Fajitas, yum.
My Spouse of 52 years and I luv each other more than a plate of Fajitas.. And we're from Texas. I'm sure Dr. Fisher is in a Loving place.
19 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Feb 2010
SpaceX is looking for the exact safety design limits for their cryogenic tanks. No one has ever design a rocket fuel tank system like this before; There are no Engineering Standards to go by. If they blow up a few they will never know for sure exactly how hard they can push them. This isn't a joke, this is real world science and engineering at it's best. Elon knew this one was most likely going to fail and they had already changed the welding procedures on SN2.
SpaceX is looking for the exact safety design limits for their cryogenic tanks. The title of this article is Moronic. No one has ever design a rocket fuel tank system like this before; There are no Engineering Standards to go by. If they blow up a few they will never know for sure exactly how hard they can push them. This isn't a joke, this is real world science and engineering at it's best. Elon knew this one was most likely going to fail and they had already changed the welding procedures on SN2.
In February 1993, the University of Minnesota announced that it would charge licensing fees for the use of its implementation of the Gopher server; this killed Gopher. It was released to GNU in 2000.We played with it a bit when it first came out but Mosaic killed it quick. We had been using FTP for nearly 20 years before Gopher came out on Cyber Mainframes. I used FTP to connect to our Mainframes with My Osborne running CPM starting in about 81. Before that it was dumb terms and Apples.. Gotta luv the internet at 120 Bits per second. Damn thing still works too.
40 watt equivalent LED replacement bulbs are on sale at WalMart for 4 bucks each. Every Watt you save is that much Crude/Natural Gas that doesn't get burned with drives down the cost of energy and cleans the air. 40 Watt LEDs will be 2 bucks next year. 100 Watt Solar panels will be under 50 cents a watt in the next 24 months. Ultra Caps will be out in mass production in the next 24 months for your home and car. We are this close to being 100% solar powered in the home and car in the next 5 years. Air conditioning and heating is next. And folks wonder why the Saudi's have open the crude spigots. You folks worried about quality lite for growing pot are a hoot.
And not for obvious next step. And how about have a REAL JURY award Patents, instead of the person who file the Patent. I had to completely give up programming because you cannot develop ANY program that will not infringe on several patents. This ruling muxes the entire process up even further. Are they saying I can develop whatever I want without regard to any existing patents that already exist simply because I didn't check????
Stills boots on CPM and runs Dbase and wordstar , boots faster than my quadcore W7 machine. When I bought it I used it to log into the Mainframe to run Stress analysis and Process Syms. With a $1200 300 baud modem I could log in from any phone. It was great. I did the stress on several nuke plants on my Osborne and still have the files.
It is impossible to write a computer program of ANY kind and sell it without stepping on dozens of patents. Yes Virgina the system is broken. There are those of us who own patents and all the rest that do not. This is the MAIN reason that 20% of Americans have 92% of the Net Equity. Patents are suppose to cover the intellectual property for a specific device. NOT mathematics.
I have a High School Degree. Yes, I can speak the King's (Texas Version) English. My degree is from the school of hard knocks, 40 years experience in IT. Four years hands on experience trumps a four year degree any day of the week. Folks that brandish their degrees aren't fooling anyone. When the CEO of my company needs his computer worked on, it's my cell phone that rings not the help desk. Give me a 23 year old kid who just spent 2 years at a crummy Wally World Job and I'll make him/her a senior tech in 2 years on the job. You can't learn a skill in school, you learn it on the job. We only need about 5% of Americans getting a college degree. You don't need a College degree to sell Real Estate, or be a Policeman, the vast majority of folks getting a degree will never work in that field, they'll just work for a living.
Tiny Blackholes are constantly being formed and then explode. If they didn't, they would have collected in the center of the Sun long before now and gobbled it up.There are much more powerful collisions at the Center of the Sun than we could ever make here on Earth in a Lab. My biggest fear from Tiny Blackholes is that they may explode with the force of a hand grenade. It is possible they they could be formed in the LHC and spin out at nearly the speed of light and detonate within milliseconds somewhere within a mile or so of the LHC itself.
spin a disk so tha it's axis is perpendicular to the surface of the earth and the outside edge exceeds orbital velocity. It will begin to negate the Earth's gravity field. The closet thing to a Warp engine on Earth at present is the LHC. Fashion a LHC which is coil shaped rather than cirular and you will have the beginnings of a subspace warp engine. (Didn't say this would be easy)
PS The laws of Space Time Physics only apply to Matter, not empty space. It is the same time everywhere in the Universe. The "Clock Speed" of matter slows down as you approach the speed of light. In other words the speed of the electrons and protons slow down. Time doesn't speed up here on Earth if you blast thru space at Warp speed. Your atoms slow to a stop. To you the trip is nearly instantaneous. The trick will be STOPPING. Subspace is that space that exists beyond the speed of light. And yes Virgina, a deflector shield would be advisable.