Who did you consult with Dale?
An email extract from Dale Vince, when he was asked who did you consult with about your proposed wind farm? As you can see, he only sent the list after he was pressed to do so.
In a message dated 21/08/2009 10:53:50 GMT Daylight Time, xxxxxxxxxxxxx@ecotricity.co.uk writes:
Dear Graham,
Happy to expand for you. With regards your assumptions -
a) Nope you are quite wrong on this. A simple reading of what I have said should make that abundantly clear to you. I said 'I don't propose it would be helpful to list them'. But if you really want to know, I assume you feel it would be helpful to you so here is the list.
We have spoken to a plethora of telecoms consultees: JRC, National Grid Wireless, OfCom, Cable and Wireless, Orange, T-Mobile, Arqiva, BT, CSS
BAE Filton Airport
Civil Aviation Authority CAA
Defence Estates
Natural England
Environment Agency
National Grid (High Pressure Gas)
Wales and West Utilities
Cotswolds AONB
This is the list so far, there will be others.
(Cotswolds AONB is what Dale Vince incorrectly calls The Cotswolds Conservation Board which is a part of Natural England, also on his list.).
Quote from Ecoticity's posting Title "Semantricks"
"That said the most important point that seems to be missed here is this - we never (ever) consulted the CCB on our proposal."
Is The Cotswolds Conservation Board on his list?
Save Berkeley Vale are not throwing dirt. The letter was the start of Ecotricity's public consultation. We only asked Dale Vince about one paragraph. We then asked one of the consultees on the list given to us by Dale Vince if they had been positive about his proposed wind farm. They said they hadn't been positive in their response to Ecotricity's consultation. We asked the ASA if they felt this broke their code. They said yes it did. It would have had made no difference to the outcome of the ASA's adjudication if 1000 people had complained about 3 claims made in this piece of direct mail.
There is no "majority" in favour of this wind farm proposal either, it is just a figment of Dale Vince's imagination. Most sensible people can see that 8 120m wind turbines in Berkeley Vale is just a pipe dream of the founder of a tiny energy company. The reality is that probably many years and hundreds of thousands of pounds will be spent (much of that wasted public money) to reach the conclusion that this plan is ill conceived and totally unrealistic .
(Not sure why he felt the RAF email link was relevant. RAF Hercules aircraft and Jet fighters occasionally use Berkeley Vale for low flying exercises. They fly in a bubble that goes as low as 200ft. We were just checking that they knew about this proposed 232ft mast. Not sure why anyone would think that was not sensible?
The RAF flying safety officer was at first concerned, but on checking, he wasn't. We got a truthful answer to a straight question about public safety and the safety of the aircrews).
Our understanding is that if Ecotricity are unhappy with the ASA's adjudication they can appeal.
We will follow that appeal, if made, with light interest.
Save Berkeley Vale. www.saveberkeleyvale.org.uk