wearable tack
again, wearable technology demonstrates how totally useless it really is.
331 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Mar 2010
whenever I try and post something this filled with colourful language and ire it is immediately rejected. I would like to know why this comment is allowed as it is mainly just random insults and vitriol and of little IT relevance whatsoever. I don't mind, I just wish I was allowed to shout at people like this guy is.
Is it just me or are law enforcement and intelligence agencies just plain lazy these days? All they can think about seemingly is monitoring the internet..it's like they can't see past that. I think they need to get back to more basic detective and intelligence gathering methods - they used to do OK before the internet was invented - many would say they used to do a better job in fact. Sure, the internet is undoubtedly going to play a part these days in investigations and intelligence gathering, but I think they need to re-learn some of the techniques they appear to have forgotten and like, actually get out of the office into the field once in a while.
spend hundreds of pounds on the latest apple iphone - essentially a pocket-sized computer - then keep it in your back pocket and sit down on it. not remotely stupid that....i see so many people chucking their idevices (and androids etc as well) around willy-nilly, smashing the screen, scratching the whole thing up to buggery and generally taking bad care of them - it always amazes me. these are the people who likely also take very bad care of their laptops at work, download all sorts of nonsense onto them, eat their dinner off it and all the rest, then complain that it's "broken" through no fault of their own.
android user here on an LG G3, but used to be iphone user so am fairly impartial. i think the device looks nice - people will want this phone. the new features, while maybe not revolutonary or even original are a welcome edition to the iphone - it will also be intersting to see (now that apple have climbed on-board), whether NFC gets the uptake and roll-out across retailers that it's needed for years. if so, i for one, will be pleased about that. screen resolution is slightly disappointing, given that i'm holding in my hand a device with a staggering 538 PPI - i would have liked to have seen apple innovate in this area. the apple watch looks very nice and i do actually find myself wanting one, which i have not felt with other smart watches. all in all i think a nice revision of the iphone and the apple watch i think will be really good by the the 3rd or 4th iteration, so i will be watching that space.
does anybody here use siri/cortana/whatever else regularly? i do not know, and have never met anybody who uses it. sure, when you first get a phone with speech input you ask it a couple of "silly" questions, if you're lucky, you might get a "silly" answer in return, and you think "ooh, that's funny", promptly forget about it and never use the speech input again. nobody wants to talk to their phones/watches/tvs etc - you look like a twat. i've seen a couple of people with a samsung go-go-gadget-gear watch and you know what i thought?
stop trying to make us looks like twats various technology companies!
last thing we need are new laws written by people who have little understanding this subject. leave things be - the problem of trolling, revenge porn et al is mostly all media-hype anyway. in the grand scheme of things, and with the state of the world today, worrying about trivial matters (relatively speaking) and bringing in yet more legislation to appease the likes of mumsnet would be a huge mistake IMO.
Despite having some misgivings after reading some average reviews of this phone from the usual tech sites, I was pleasantly surprised when it arrived. This is a fantastic phone - it definitely feels "premium", has a knock-out screen which has wowed everyone who has seen it, great sound (through the built-in speaker and also when headphones are plugged in - loud and detailed, lots of range and dynamics). The look, feel and operation of this phone is as good as any I have had (I upgraded from an HTC One and have previously has iPhone 3G, 4 and 4S) if not better. The camera is superb - the automatic macro feature in particular is very impressive. The rear mounted buttons work a treat. Would not hesitate to recommend this - if you're looking for something a bit different, that not everybody has, go for the LG G3, you will not regret it - don't listen to any of the negative stuff about build quality, or the screen being "too sharp" (wtf)... it's bloody good all round.
just want to say the "just a phone" argument annoys me every time I see it. it's not just a phone is it. it's a small pocket computer that does a whole host of things outside making phone calls. were this device only to have the ability to phone people up and cost £500+ then yes, it would be vastly overpriced. as it (and any other smartphone)does an awful lot more than that though, you're argument just makes you sound either ignorant or simply trying to argue for arguments sake...which makes youlook like an idiot.
I think I'm pretty much done with the internet. It's ruined. Party's over, pick up your coats and go home. We used to get on without it, I guess we can again. It's a terrible shame and kind of ironic, that the internet was the architect of it's own demise - sites like mumsnet etc would not have existed without the 'net but have brought about the destruction of the very ideas on which it was founded. What can I say - unfortunately the vast majority of people on Earth are reactionary idiots - time and time again has been humanity's downfall.
When I get the choice, I'm going to set my filter to maximim to appease Big Brother, then unplug the cable and go back to using my computer for word processing, art and playing (offline) games. Hell I might just get my old Speccy out and start using that.
can't help thinking that any structures or tools etc created by these bots would be extremely prone to falling apart at the drop of a hat if all that's holding the various parts together are a few magnets. surely to be used for any practical purpose you need to ensure that any shape or structure created by these bots is as rigid and strong as a solid object?
they must be in stitches about how so many people are likely going to be lining up to get their fingerprints on the NSAs records by using a shiny new iPhone 5S. next retina scans, after that full DNA profileing from a breath sample. to whit: a comprehensive database of billions of people - not just a database of numbers and text, but a database of genetic information. i bet TPTB can't fucking wait.