96 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Feb 2010
Try this;
1. come up with a name for a brand or company
2. search for vacant domain name
3. ??
4. 95% chance of fail
The domain name system is a namespace with a finite set. We're already reaching the limit of that marketable usable set without spending $5k - $5m for a 'good' name and it can only get worse.
It'd be nice if they limited .co.* and .com to registered companies and registered brand names but unfortunately they don't and cyber squatters sit on everything that's a dictionary word or abbrev. and anything once owned by a legitimate user.
This extension to the naming system will significantly relieve the pressure and diversify the eco system. I can only hope it decentralises the roots out of the US too. Less there, the better. No reason not to spread them across the rest of the world.
Victor/JVC HP-FXC50
Only downside is, they tend to wear out pretty quickly and I got through 2-3 sets a year with daily use. £10 on ebay from china or £30 in the UK.
They've been superseded by the HA-FXC51 but I've not yet found a decent source for them (ebay £27). I hope they've improved their durability!
if companies had more, then they'd donate time and/or money. Most don't so they don't!
I like it when EFF catches out companies using modified GPL code without releasing source code and they get their name dragged through the mud and courts. Brings a smile to my face. OFC that's a separate issue to free commercial use of unmodified code - which is perfectly acceptable.
I submit bug reports and occasionally patches to FOSS projects. The bug reports not so much as the patches give me an awesome sense of pride. Bug reports are my good deed for the day. Patches are my good deed for the month ;)
It's not my sole reason for helping but the feel good factor definitely helps!
Long live FOSS!
since update 23 the html delegator freezes up on reload making anything with a html content (JTextPane, JEditorPane et al.) break with a null pointer exception. This obviously breaks a lot of web applets - I've read reports of banks applets being completely useless. Bug was in the last update (23?) from October and no fix is coming. Did Oracle fire the Java team?
Talk about a game breaker. We've had to code around it but txt vs rtf vs html... html wins, rtf is a pain and txt is just not fluffable enough for the designers. *le sigh*
You must live in a dodgy area; all the bad drivers (read: weaving/swerving/retarded) are using phones, reading or fiddling with other gadgets or controls.
You occasionally see the odd one weaving down the road without obvious cause and it turns out to be an elderly person.
"This fallacy that it's less harmful than tobacco is pathetic" - medically, it is. It doesn't have nicotine, and much less quantity of tar and carcinogenics when burnt. Most regular and intelligent folks vapourise it to get the caniboids out without the by-products.
in the market at both ends of the scale... IC to device is seriously limiting consumer interest in <£300 range IMHO.
Tablets have been around forever and the iPad made them cool, 3D everything has been around since near the end of CRT monitors (2000) and now LCD et al. are only just fast enough to do it again but it's still as bad as it ever was. MPC are just old tech/bin clearers with down scaled CPUs, and there's nothing new from phones.
From a PC peripheral stand point I'd like to see better flash based products, faster and higher resolution displays and an advancement in 3D PP rendering such as raytracing in games instead of DirectX9/10/11 GPGPU nonsense. Scrap the x86 instruction set whilst you're at it and move to UEFI in the same go (Win8 motivator maybe?).
...how many commentards are just employees of the government or industry pretending to be the public.
The torrent guy said he got no warrant or warning, and the gov is taking down sites before the Act has actually passed through the houses.
That's not enforcing laws, that making it up as they go along... "what's a few months, it'll be passed in the new year, right? Lets just do it" said Mr Fed.
IMHO country neutral TLDs like com, net and org should be under UN control or other international committee, not the US 'land of the free', patent and copyright trolls.
'Forget the big-name ones such as SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). All the big players shamefully neglect the user-interface side of their server offerings. Their "server distributions" are no more a server OS than a box of Lego is a toy car.'
You're obviously trolling. There's a reason 70%+ of the web uses linux/unix, it's because it works out of the box and is easy to setup and manage remotely.
"SLES and RHEL are just bags of components for skilled sysadmins to construct a server to fulfil some task."
No they're not. Any monkey can do it, it's not brain surgery.
Your intro and first section is just pure BS that you are using to prop up the rest of the article.
If your average tech monkey couldn't configure a domain name in apache, I definitely wouldn't let them near the complicated mess that is IIS applications.
"for those that look at those prices and think WTF"
I've looked at RH many times over the years. Centos, the downstream community product based on RH, is very good. I've only had minor issues well within my mighty linux skills to handle. I want to support RH for doing such a good job and putting so much into FOSS but I can't justify per year per machine subs on something I don't need support for.
What they need is an alternative model whereby you can just buy a DVD set and be done with it until the next major release.... like Windows.
If the software was written from scratch, then there's nothing in UK/EU law to stop them releasing a competing product.
It boils down to whatever was in their original employment contract. As for stealing documents, it's very difficult to prove unless you have video evidence or independent witnesses.
Maybe its just the American way, sue any body and every thing if it even dares compete with you. Fortunately the company is in the UK where you can't get away with that nonsense.
is worse than most schools. A friend has worked in 2 seperate national level depts as well as large educational establishments. The edu easily is 10x better.
In the gov depts a lot of the work load is completely paper based still and they spend a lot of time doing searches and looking for lost items... O_o
I think gov depts need more IT, not less. BUT they need to spec'd and then get it peer reviewed by the public and dept. No more under-cover BS where a multination bids on it then puts interns and outsourcers on the project whilst it's paid for and paid for some more and then 50% implemented, as with the usual contact policies.
In summary;
More IT
Less multinational companies (with their interns and foreign outsourcers)
More SME contracts
More Peer/Public review of contracts and project specs
Cap on per hour charges (people charging £250+ p/h because it's the gov need a slap)
It'd be nice if they just accepted that the 30 year old cabling sucks and you only pay for the Kbps that you can actually achieve. £5 + % speed achieved (0-8Mbps = £0 to £10).
OFCOM sucks and is completely powerless. It has no interest in making ISPs deliver or enforce correct advertising.
What has expanding bullets got to do with anything?
Yes, they are used in hunting in ALL counties I can think of including the UK and by most police forces. If you're going to shoot something you want to kill it as quickly and cleanly as possible, that means using expanding ammo that increases hydraulic shock, and localised tissue damage, minimises pass-thru and ricochets and basically gets the job done.
Now what has that got to do with microwaving US prisoners?
I've seen a few post here about websites, and it's nothing to do with remote sites at all. It's to do with local files such encrypted containers that can be pushed down the pci-e bus to a steam processors like ATI or nvidia GPUs.
So unless they can download a copy of whatever is they need decrypting... then brute forcing with a GFX card is pointless, even a CPU can out perform that fattest of network connections, and then there's other mechanisms in the way such as a GUI or x attempts blocking.
blank ammo will still injure at close range. There's no bullet but the wadding and packing in a blank can still cause significant damage. Then there's people thinking it's blank ammo, thus safe and it's not or is loaded with live rounds.
Have they not heard of party poppers? (not to be aimed at people... )
grenade... coz it's the nearest I could find.
£109 vs £429
I'd think they'd say anything to keep their expensive toy. I'm quite sure they can 'chair' using just about anything that can display a PDF and make notes on. It'd be interesting to see if they still used pen and paper to make notes with...
A netbook with Office and Outlook on would still cost less, be more manageable (domains/GPO etc) and more secure (the ipad has none). Their reasons for an iPad are hogs wash.
It is susceptible to movement and the optimal horizontal viewing angle is fairly small but it's a hand held device, you won't be looking at it from the side, whether it's resting on your lap or held up level to your face shouldn't make a difference though, just don't rotate along the Y axis and expect the 3D to stay.
The average distance between adult EU eyes is 7cm, we'll say 9cm max. A young child's is probably a minimum of 5cm (guess). So it's designed to handle a eye separation distance of 5-9cm at a viewing distance of 20cm-80cm. That's a pretty narrow view angle from the users perspective but the point is; A) it's impossible with autostereoscopic approach to have wide view angles usable outside the expected ~10-15 degrees per eye, and B) it doesn't need them.
I can understand their need for such a device that can view PDFs in a meeting... commonly referred to as a laptop... but limited functionality luxury items like the ipad... why don't we just buy a couple of helicopters whilst we're at it because the mayor's car is obviously unsuitable for the task based on their tech criteria for purchasing.
You really have to wonder what brand of glue they are sniffing sometimes. iPads is not their first spending spree...
£500k Leicester's big screen... a big 18ft LED monitor down one of the more open streets that carries no content or usable seating, and costs £45k a year to run.
£1m chewing gun clean up for the Queen's visit.
£19m on re-paving the city centre (after cleaning the gum) then destroying all business with....
££££ on highcross/shires shopping centre, making all the traditional shop streets go bust
Really, lots of glue and a special brand at that.
My firefox is currently using 60MB with just reg open and the usual 16 extensions install/enabled. I believe what you are complaining about is the memory cache.
If that extra 60MB is such a problem (on a modern machine[4GB] it's barely a scratch, 1.46%) then look here; http://kb.mozillazine.org/Memory_Leak
Also you might want to consider upgrading if 120MB usage is seriously hindering your productivity.
same in motorcycle training, snowboarding and a whole host of situations.
But more importantly it often makes you steer towards the hazard instead of away from it subconsciously.
Ever eyed up a hot lady on the other side of the street whilst driving and afterwards realized you drifted on to the white line? That's target fixation too.
In snowboarding it can be about dodging people; if you're about to collide with someone, don't look at them look at your escape route. Near an edge? don't look down it, look at your intended path.
If you've had a good trainer whether it's car, bike, plane, skis, skates, boards... you'll have been taught about target fixation, hazards, escape routes and avoiding the avoidable. If you're good, you have high situational awareness making escapes routes quickly calculated instead of panicked or misjudged or just freezing up as many people do. For example you see blue lights in the rear view, you already know how to get out the way quickly without blocking others.
A classic example is rubber necking accidents and then hitting the car in front as it's slowed down without you noticing. Another is hitting the car in front at a roundabout which didn't leave when expected but you didn't check you because you were too focused on the roundabout traffic to make sure your lane was clear.
if you read my post you would have seen that I only mentioned .xxx and not all porn in general. For blocking all porn you're better off with 'block all sites by default' and then import a list of allowed sites and then have that also run through a filtering proxy.
That's because it's almost impossible to block all porn; you even have to get rid of all popular search engines or use their APIs/appliances for word searches only.
To block ALL porn, you need a walled garden or a deny/block all plus whitelist. Still, I wouldn't want to be that admin. It's a classic benefit vs cost problem - there's no 100% perfect solution from third party vendors and white lists need a lot of tending.
What .xxx does is just make it a little bit easier for vendors and admins because they know they are safe to block that TLD without disrupting business operations. No business in their right mind will use it unless they're into porn.
It's a simple trade off.
HDD are the slowest component in modern hardware. You complained that it's slow? so they move it to RAM based indices.
You're probably comparing it to Outlook hooked up to exchange... which happy will use many GB of RAM to do it's job even for 1 mailbox.
If you really want to compare with Outlook then run it in local mode/offline.
PS. to all the idiots. It doesn't use 1GB, it's the recommended minimum spec so that you can still multi-task and get on with work without paging constantly. Seeing as it's the same for vista/win7, I'm not sure why anyone is complaining at all. OFC if you were running super light embedded linux then it's something to QQ about. (ie. on a hacked xbox or portable device)
svchost (single prcs), skype and MS security essentials all use more or same memory as thunderbird does on my machine and I can guarantee they don't offer as much functionality.
Paris because sometimes I think the average commentards and journalistards have the same IQ.
You can't win an argument on the Internet. State facts, list citations, walk away.
Anyone can own a shotgun. There's no land requirements, only a short criminal check.
Only people with good cause and access to suitable land or range can get a full firearms licence. And then only single action (ie. bolt action) centrefire rifles or single/semi-auto rimfire rifles. Ammo type and suppressors are limited to what's on your licence and you have to show significant reason for requesting expanding ammo or suppressors. (I'm ignoring FAC air rifles, they're a special case)
So to answer your question... yes. There are ~140,000 licensed owners in the UK with an average of 3.8 guns each. In 2008-09 firearms were involved in 0.3% crimes. Most illegal weapons are imported from the EU, notably eastern Europe.
In reference to shotguns and to quote Hot Fuzz; "everyone and their mums packing around here." There are a LOT of shotguns.
In the UK there is no significant anti-gun lobby because we don't need one. They do actually need to tighten it a little further tho' and require training before you get a licence. At the moment training is optional (via a third party) and down to the owner.
And no, you can't shoot badgers ;)
it'll be even worse when they get put on registers that are distributed to the public. Whether they did it or not, who wants to get hounded for the rest of their lives. 'Reformed' sex offenders are better off leaving the country ATM... just not to USA, I hear they still have lynchings.
The simplest way to stay in prison is to kill someone and deny doing it, get convicted for it but always deny doing it (hell even video record it, just verbally deny it). As long as you deny doing it against all evidence, they will never let you out.
The sticking point is people that actually didn't do it and have to much pride to lie and tarnish what's left of their life... they also never get out. Wrongful conviction + pride = dying in prison.
BOT; I hear they get it rather cushy too. PS2/xbox, TV, education, any books and videos they want as long as they behave... TBH rather tempted myself. Free food and clothes for life.