Re: Wouldn't
I had a client some years back that executed a Trojan batch file that attempted this. It failed when it got to critical system files. The harm was undone with a little work and the PC was fine.
121 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2010
I installed McAfee Security Scan Plus on a known clean and protected system.
It is obviously designed to sucker people into purchasing if they need it or not.
It showed a completely clean system and STILL tried to sell their product.
As almost always, this survey is utter bullshiat. (just as most of us already knew, but I like to prove assumptions).
Google maps and navigation is more accurate than my Garmin GPS when it comes to directions.
Never any issue with errors in SoCal. The Garmin sometimes runs me around inefficiently while Navigation on Android takes the most efficient route every time.
I could care less what Apple does or does not do.
I downloaded some crapware from Cnet a few days ago, the request to install the so called tool bar was designed to trick the user into installing it.
Of course I avoided that, then found the app was only a garbage demo with no functionality (partitioning software). I went elsewhere and found the correct FREE product.
Off topic, but maybe interesting.
This is a much higher energy than any cell phone or laptop, but it's somewhat humorous.
While working in Turkey at a NATO 50 KW HF radio transmitter site. The land was leased from a local farmer and sheep herder.
The farmer found that in winter his sheep would cluster under the transmitter antennas. He noticed that he felt nice and warm in the area around and under the antennas.
So, he built a house under one of the antennas. One of the guy wires actually went in a window and out the back door.
Then he noticed that there were very few lambs born the next spring . . .
I guess someone told him it was the radiation that sterilized the sheep, he sued NATO for damages and won. NATO payed to replace his entire flock of sheep and then built fencing around the antennas to keep the sheep safe.
The funny thing, or not so funny, is the farmer continued to live in the house, constantly bombarded by HF radiation (The signals were ship to shore teletype with many channels so it never stopped).
I sometimes wonder what effects he and his family must have suffered. I'm betting he never had any grandchildren. I still have a photograph of the house somewhere.
I wonder if this guy was working in Budapest a few years ago.
I worked a security incident at an RMA center in Budapest for my company. Product was being detected as infected in final inspection.
We traced the source to a thumb drive used by a guy with a very similar, if not the same name.
We spend a few thousand investigating and international calling and fired the person once we were sure it was him. Not a single problem from that facility since.
When I worked with SAC communications we had redundancy upon redundancy upon redundancy.
This reminds me of that; We had two sets of land lines connecting all sites. NO line went the same route or through the same equipment. On several occasions we found telcos routing the redundant lines through the same switch and had to demand a change for security reasons. This made for a very robust system and it was only the first tier of at least three... Shouldn't detail the others.
The point is that if enough money was spent to build an independent network it would be so complex that security would still be a huge issue due to the complexity.
We have other technology today that can contain sensitive information.
For example last week I replaced my home phone system, replacing a base station and 4 hand sets. My wife was going to recycle the old equipment.
First we went to the garage and I destroyed the old equipment with a chipping hammer.
This may seem trivial, but those phones contained sensitive call records. The destruction was was fun and the data is destroyed.
I have a Philips player with 16GB, can't remember the model. Paid $79 a couple of years ago. Nice, though small color screen will display photos, video, has an FM tuner, and sounds great, it even has a volume limiter so you don't accidently blow your ears out.
Shop around there are MANY good players without the apple logo or price point.