* Posts by Jim 16

9 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2010

What's losing steam at Apple? Pretty much everything

Jim 16

Newsflash: if you stop updating your products, people stop buying them. Everyone in the market for a new Mac is either happy with what they have, or waiting for an update.

Netflix lets Apple TV owners subscribe on screen

Jim 16


Any word on Love Flim support?

IRISnotes Executive 1.0 digital pen

Jim 16


I don't understand. It seems to work fine. The only problems seem to be a button that you didn't like and the bamboo pattern in the UI. These seem to be very minor points.

What did this device mess up so badly that it deserves such a low score?

Nintendo: no DVD, BD playback for Wii U

Jim 16


I always assumed that there would be a DVD Channel download from the Wii Shop Channel, that would cover the licensing cost and enable the hidden ability to play DVDs.

It never came.

Is there some legal restriction that would prevent them doing this, either for the Wii or the Wii U?

Sony Bravia KDL-40EX724 40in LED 3D TV

Jim 16


Major selling feature of the product flat-out doesn't work, and you still give it 70%?

Five amazing computers for under £100

Jim 16

Tie Tull

What, you put a phone in the list and manage to miss out anything by Palm?

Apple Square sallies forth from stores

Jim 16

2 years to pay back the costs?

I don't think so. The boxes surely cost pennies to make.

Apple to Microsoft: 'App Store name is not generic'

Jim 16


Hmm. "Internet" "Explorer"?

Windows Phone 7 Series launched

Jim 16


As a dyed-in-the-wool Mac & iPhone user, my initial reaction to this latest announcement from M$ is:

That looks pretty, I'd like to try it.