Re: Indeed...
That changed today
30 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Feb 2010
Exactly, my "squirrelled away" cash is a collection of savings when I was a permie and savings when I was (am) a contractor. I've paid tax on all of that money. I'm jacking it all in now as I've reached an age where I don't want to return to the permie corporate treadmill, I like the independence that contracting gives me and would have carried on for a few more years had these changes not come in.
I too had one. I remember the graphics being quite advanced at the time, the BASIC had sprite capability I believe.
Me and a mate wrote a Connect 4 game for it and had it published in a Computer mag, I remember getting a letter back from Robert Schifreen who was working there at the time. He went on to "other projects" :D and gained some notoriety!
"I'm guessing these changes are being made to manage out anyone in their hardware product organizations."
It's been a bizarre, knee-jerk response to the shit Q3 results. There is virtually zero bench in the areas targeted (services not hardware) so all revenue earning individuals.
Amen to the above.
I was wondering why HR had sent out an Email this week asking employees to urgently verify that their home address details were correct on IBM's records. Of course that request was dressed up as some kind of benign, touch feely action when it's probably so they know where to send the P45s.
Pirates be steering the ship me hearties....
As above, RESTRICTED docs do have to be shredded, mustn't be EMailed over an insecure networks, left out on desks overnight etc.
RESTRICTED may be low down on the protective marking food chain but care is still required when dealing with the information. You'd think a DV cleared author would have known that.