I doubt..
that this idea will live long or prosper.
26 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Feb 2010
MonkeyBot, You should know full well that, speed limits on roads are a maximum allowable by law and not a target. Trying to drive at these speeds at all times is entirely irresponsible and thus renders your analogy completely void.
I do agree with WISPA to some extent though. "up to" is far to loose a term to use for a service. however if it's within a certain percentage of the "up to" speed then the price should stand, if it falls too far below then there should be a discount. An ISP can't be held fully responsible for line conditions after all.
Software testing can be hellish too, your stuck in the middle of a Customers , Management , Bean counters, and software devs. None of these parties understand or give a rats ass about testing or want to know about the results, until it all goes t*ts up and your left fending off a deluge of questions as to why it's gone wrong, but when things do go right every one else pats each other on the back.
So spare a thought for those of us that got lured onto the rocks of a testing career only to have our hopes, dreams, sanity and enthusiasm for life dashed on the rocks.
I can honestly say I can't stand the modern day incarnation of Dr Who. Russell T Davis was the worst writer ever and although Stephen Moffat is a great writer the Beeb is just pummelling out one load of watered down main stream tripe after another.
This show lost it's cult status a long time ago. When they first announced it was coming back I was happy but when it hit TV I hid behind the sofa, not because it was scary but because it was absolutely awful and with the direction that the Beeb want to push it, not even Stephen Moffat can save it.
I like the ribbon, so much faster to use than trawling through several drop down and branching menus.
I can't see what problem people have with changing. If we are restricted to using the same interface for all time, advances will become increasingly difficult.
Time to adapt people and catch up with new tech rather than being stuck in the windows 3.1 days.
Saturday was the first and last time I enter and Apple store, asked an employee for a dock adapter for an iphone 3gs and he had to ask to different people and search the internet before he knew what it was then had to check with another member of staff to see if they had any.....
20-25 mins to find out they didn't have them so he looked on the web again to see where to get one I said don't worry I can use bing.com to find that.
So I'm really not surprised by this story at all