* Posts by nigelp74

3 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Feb 2010

First Freeview HD TV goes on sale


What a joke

This story should have come out over a year ago. Just think of all the HD tellys sold in 2009 with pathetic non HD built in freeview tuners - only to have the owners have to shell out over £150(!!!) to get HD! Just so stupid! Why has this taken so long?

Humax ships Freeview HD box


Is this price some sort of sick joke?

Someone is having a laugh with this whole Freeview HD debacle

Vodafone eyes iPhone switchers for fresh Sim-only deals


These tariffs are pretty rubbish!

Your story suggests this will tempt iphone users to switch - I dont think so! In fact it may tempt all manner of ph users to switch *except* iphoners!! 500MB a month data? - give me a break, thats pathetic regardless of whether that much is used in reality. I am in the Android camp, but I assume most people with an iphone dont know how much they use? If so, why switch from O2's 'unlimited' web to something that could cripple you?

Get a better angle on your story.