* Posts by Realisticlee

7 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Feb 2010

Shame about those wildfires. We'll just let the fossil fuel giants off the hook, then?


Don't be stupid, wildfires happen when brush and undergrowth isn't cleared from the forest floor, and is particularly common when dumb stuff like "re-wilding" back-to-nature initiatives (Cali, Canada, Oz, etc) and forest thinning as a feature (sometimes for national parks, suburb merchandising, etc) allow undergrowth to flourish, generating unintended consequences. Nature has used wildfires (or "fires") for uncountable millennia to solve the problem in the event is (rarely, but possibly due to a drought, or similar) arose. This happened millions of years before the rise of Big Oil, or the spread of unconscionably annoying people driving SUVs, and will continue for uncountable millennia long past the inexorable and unavoidable ice age scheduled for between 1,500 and 3,500 years from now. So stop shilling climate grifters' PR and get off your high horse before reality chops its legs off!

UK fintech firm reaches for Ireland Brexit escape hatch


Re: Brexit means ...

"The Chief Exec of the London stock exchange suggested that if we lose Euro Clearing, then that's likely to go to New York."

Because NY is member of the EU Single Market, right? Euro clearing is wholesale and can happen wherever people want to do business with each other. There's nothing the EU can do about that unless it wants to de-certify NY, HK, Singapore, Dubai, Beijing, etc, etc. That'll really work well for euro liquidity.

Why don't we just face it that "City bosses" including the Chief Exec of the London stock exchange are putting out a negotiating position to the gov't from their particular bit of rent-seekery. They've had it good and now have to sing for it. No sympathy here, but passporting & clearing certainly aren't the issue here.


There is another way (if they'd thought about it)

Rather than pose as poor done-by Remoaners, LMAX, worst case, by its own description, could continue to do most of what it does right where it does. If it gets kicked out in the Fintech cold they need an office, registered address, a couple of IT bods and a few datafeeds in Ireland for compliance, with the bulk of the staff and ops right where they are today. Java can be hacked anywhere and systems tested, deployed, modded from wherever. None of that actually has to happen from Dublin. Besides there will be all that wholesale stuff to Fintech up still going on here the day after Art50 and the day after Brexit just like today. None of that will change as deep/wide capital markets, legal systems and clusters of know-how don't up stakes just because the EU puts up barriers. Much the opposite, actually.

New UK trade deals would not compensate for loss of single market membership


OUT-LAW should stick to law & forsake economics

Organisations (IFS! OUT-LAW!) should stick to their knitting and not poke their noses outside the parapets of their own know how. Bank passporting has to do with *retail* markets, which comprise a whole 1% or so of UK banking activity in Europe, if even that much. Wholesale banking, the stuff in the UK that we call "The City", is the other 99% and can happen anywhere. Indeed, wholesale banking in euro (dollars, GBP, Renminbi, etc) happens in NYC, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney etc and there's absolutely nothing the EU can do about that. Nor would they want to as it provides critical liquidity to financial markets. To deny London the ability to do trades/deals/stuff with euro means Brussels would have to deny HK, NYC etc and this is simply not possible. When people or organisations want to do business, they do it where they wish (with proper rule of law, contract regs, etc) not where they're told to. The IFS and OUT-LAW should be competent enough to have known this but obviously not. Perhaps they should stick to their knitting and leave economics to the experts.

Evil grain-speculating OVERLORDS will starve us ALL

Paris Hilton

Some derivatives are...

...zero sum: "[snip] For everyone going long (betting on a price rise) someone else must have made an equal and opposite bet going short (betting that prices will fall)...."

...unless I buy an option contract on the price of a commodity rising or falling. I can exercise the option or not. If the price goes in the direction I bet it would I re-coup the cost of the contract and buy/sell the contract at the current price and make money. If the price doesn't go that way I don't exercise the option and lose the money to place the option but nothing more and no one else gains/loses.

So kind of a wager (or insurance policy!?) based on my knowledge of the market, but no zero sum dynamics anywhere to be seen.

Just to say....

Paris, because she might..... or might not :-/

IK Multimedia iRig and AmpliTube iPhone app


What do you call someone who hangs out with musicians?

A drummer. Bass players have to know *both* the time sig AND the the key they're playing in. It's basic, and will probably be out of tune but is more than banging tunelessly on objects. Add a bit of orchestral foot-pedal action a la, say, Adam Clayton, and you start to approach actual talent.

Racist content on US server 'within UK jurisdiction'


So if they're saying:

"that the Crown Court had jurisdiction to try the appellants for their conduct because a substantial measure of the activities constituting the 'crime' [my emphasis] took place in England," it won't be necessary to extradite Gary McKinnon after all then? Like the folk in this report, either he did stuff here or he did stuff there (or he's the biggest quantum entanglement demonstration ever, in which case why faff about with UFOs when there's much cooler stuff looking at you in the mirror) but the courts really need to decide once and for all which way the law works.