* Posts by Bob-Bob-Bobbing_Along

2 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Feb 2010

Minister: Banks should give ID cards to people with no money


Anyone with limited proof of ID, can open a basic bank account

Those without ID (passport, utility bills etc) can still apply for a 'Basic' bank account, which usually just provides a debit card and online banking facilities. The Benefits Agency and local authorities also strongly suggest to claimants to open a 'Basic' account. My banks gives leaflets suggesting they will open accounts from people who just provide letters from GP's/Teachers/Social Workers, confirming they know the holder, other things like Benefits Agency letters, NHS registration cards, Electoral registers all support opening such basic bank accounts.

Check out:


Researchers rip iPad apart to reveal Apple's profits


Saville Row suit £5000, cloth £500, Value?

What about the costs of the staff who build the bloody thing, advertising costs etc

I could buy some nice cloth for a Suit for £500, but if I want it made up by Saville Row, I may end up with a bill of £5000.

Another comparison could be the global costs of a can of Coke, I am sure the Coke liquid itself is worth less than a penny - maybe less, no doubt the can costs more and we pay for all the heavy advertising and constant battle with Pepsi, just like Apple v Microsoft.

Check this:

Can of Coke

Cheapest: 0.2 Euros in , China

Most expensive: 65 Euros in manchester, Great Britain

Diff in percent: 32400 %
