* Posts by J 37

10 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Feb 2010

'SHUT THE F**K UP!' The moment Linus Torvalds ruined a dev's year

J 37

Re: ....

That's the point, its all in good fun. We are all grownup enough to know it is such. If an employee doesn't like it, we stop. We have that ability, using our words.

J 37

Re: ....

You are correct. Then again, if you aren't having fun doing what you are doing, then you are doing it wrong. Its all attitude, mutual respect, and a thick skin.

J 37
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The dev team I'm part of constantly reviews each other code. Comments such as "What the f*ck were you on when you came up with this heinous piece of sh*t?" Then the best bits are printed and posted on the Wall Of Fail.

Everyone gets a chuckle.

Googlenet runs on '900,000 servers'

J 37

Wicked cool!

That much horsepower is so geekly awesome, it can only make you smile. Don't analyze, just bask, and wear your Faraday cod-piece.

Apple cures iPad buyer's remorse

J 37

The only positive experience I had with Apple...

...was how easy it was to return boned products. After 2 smoked macbook pros in as many weeks and few minutes of arguing with apple geniuses, it was super easy to get my money back and blow a small bit of it at the pub afterwards.

Google axes Jobsian codec in name of 'open'

J 37


"What we can say is that you should always be wary of anyone who uses the word "open""

Particularly from any company with shareholders.

CNN flashes gay todger over interwebs

J 37

Literary gold!

Rotund Gobshite.

I laughed so hard I cried into my afternoon tea.

Still giggling.

Google risks OEM wrath for unified Android UI plan

J 37

Probably a good idea...

Considering the craptacular UI overlays that some devs have put out using the name Android, and by association stinking it up, this is probably a "good thing".

iPhone ego clash costs Flash at Virgin America

J 37

re: Feckin' script monkeys.

Being a script monkey paid for my house. I was trained as a traditional programmer, and I write software for the telecom industry, but the revenue stream definitely isn't as good.

And, besides, if it wasn't for us "script monkeys", you wouldn't be able to visit YouPorn as often as you do.

Feckin' elitist snob.

Google Buzz leaves privacy concerns ringing in ears

J 37

Why the hell would you use your real identity?

I've never understood this narcissistic need to inform all and sundry that your boy / girlfriend / husband / wife / dog / cat / neighbor / inanimate carbon rod is a rockstar douchbag saint. Nor why the average foodtube considers free services to be safe and secure and above reproach.