Combat global warming...
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, so as the next ice age arrives... just release it all. Then, it's only dangerous to about 60,000 years before it becomes the next "crude oil"
9 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Feb 2010
Why don't you just redesign kids with wider throats along with a suitable liver for your first child? Or treat this as natural chlorine for the gene pool of obese children who can't remember how to chew.
What with the president of the world cancelling constellation it looks like we're stuck on this planet for a bit longer that originally anticipated... we need to thin things out people!!!
Isn't there something in Catholosism/Christianity that says bodies need to be in tact so that in the after life you get your body back... Seems a bit harsh... Great work girls, saint hood and all that, buuuuut we're just gonna keep you're head over hear, please let us know when you need it.
As a white guy, I quite like the word "Honky" which I have to admit to not having heard in a very long time. Having to use the phrase "the 'n' word" is actually more annoying than the word itself. For example "she is sexual "the 'n' word" just doesn't roll off the tongue in quite the same way.
Can you actually use "the 'n' word" if your dyslexic, or do you just insult an entire land locked country named after a nearby river.
I have seem a few movies that seem to hint at "the 'n' word" being o.k. to use if you stick a letter in front of it. For example "wassup mnigger", this does not work well with the "honky" antonym though -mhonky.