* Posts by Andy Lewis

1 publicly visible post • joined 23 May 2007

Abbey online banking takes 24-hour lie down

Andy Lewis

Abbey Failure

The ebanking system has been down since Sunday lunchtime 20th May. I have just spoken with the Abbey Complaints dept. and they have no idea when the system will be available. I queried the statement put out by Abbey concerning transferring of monies and, contrary to their statement, you cannot transfer monies either by phone or in a branch if it is from an esaver account (they can only be operated on line). I asked what the Abbey's stance is on accounts going overdrawn due to the inability to transfer funds and got a vague response about reclaiming charges at a later date. They also could give no assurance that Standing orders, Direct Debits, cheques, etc. would be honoured if funds where not in the linked current account due to the system failure. Like a previous contributor I will be moving all my accounts as soon as possible, not because of the systems failure (which happens to the best run companies -and the Abbey definitely does not fall into this category) but because of the total inability to assure customers that they will not suffer financially as a result and the admission that they do not know how long this will last for. It is this total lack of faith in their ability to do anything that will make me move my accounts.