Should be treated as domestic terrorism
Nothing more nothing less
36 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Feb 2010
Yeh issue out of nothing, apple replaces an app with a shocking product ad all you say is people should just use a webpage. How exactly will the majority of people know how to do this and why should they have to.
Im pretty sure if apple put out a press release saying if you go to an apple store they will bend you over and give it to you good and proper more apple fanboys would turn upand somehow justify it
What a silly comment its irrelevant if google maps was not that good first time around, the iphone was using the current version of google maps not version 1.
The regression in features i can life with but the blatant shoddyness of locations, aerial images and place data is shocking ad in laces non existent.
In many places the roads are simply not mapped, in others they are spelt incorrectly and as the sear only allows exact matches some businesses and places will never be matched
Apple didnt need to release this now they should of got it out of version 0.00001 instead of putting their ego related google battles before their customers
Microsoft agreed cross licensing on these patents to allow them to create their JVM like frameworks, it is impossible for them to side with google who decided to skirt round these patents
Just as google has sided with verison on net neutrality that is for gooles self interest in the mobile world, microsoft has sided with oracle for interest what?
If i left my door unlocked would google be valid to have a look round my house and see what i own? Thought not. Of course they have every right to make a note of where my house is on a map.
The no harm done argument is silly, intent is the key and this is what the US government will hopefully get to the bottom of.
Either the google decision makers never knew about it or it was a 'rougue' engineer that somehow was never noticed in testing or the 3 years worth of data collected.
Google need to prove and provide the engineer or provide who approved the actions for appropriate privacy invasion sanctions.
Its about time this is a serious breach of anti tapping laws and needs to be treated seriously
It is not enough for google to say it was a a mistake they need to prove that it was a mistake by one person and that person needs to be punished in law
If there is proof that this was not actually one person but was an approved feature of the project them the approval line needs to be investigated and those people brought to task
This was not a one off grab of data but three years of data collection