Essential, eh?
Despite the brief mention of the bumper case at the beginning, I was surprised that it wasn't at the top of the list.
I can't think of anything more 'essential' than something that allows this phone to.....make phone calls!
61 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Feb 2010
I'm on Orange and I got mine yesterday morning. The first part came through automatically and then I got the phone to check for any more updates manually (through the 'about phone' part of the settings menu) and then the 2nd part came down.
It's a definate improvement as it's fixed a couple of glitches that I had found annoying and there appears to be lots of little bits added to the functionality all over the place. My favourite so far is the speaker button being displayed on the screen when someone calls you, instead of having to go into the menu.
Also, although I backed everything up before the update, I didn't need it - didn't lose anything at all from the phone. Which was nice!
All in all - 10 out of 10!
I'm on my 3rd Hero, Orange having given me replacements due to crappy signal reception. Despite this, I can only get it to drop bars when I completely smother it.
If I hold it like a normal person, rather than a club-handed hillbilly, it works perfectly.
The only thing that surprises me about this whole issue is that people seem genuinely taken aback that Apple\Jobs haven't put their hand up and taken the blame. I mean, this is the Cult of Jobs ferchrissake....what the feck did you think was going to happen?
.....so if I'm understanding this right, the difference between Spotify and a service like, say, Last.fm is that with Spotify you can choose indvidual songs to play, rather than a genre etc.
If that is correct, I'll take the free, ad-less Last.fm every time. It's been a brilliant way for me to find loads of new artists (and buy their albums) that I would have never have found otherwise. I wouldn't have found them unless I was entering a genre, rather than particular songs\bands.
Hello? Did you not see the bloody great joke icon on my post?
I have an HTC Hero and I love it. Most of the time, I can't stop talking about how great Android is, and how much it kicks the iPhones arse.
Just saw an oppourtunity for some humor (sort of, maybe) and so I took it.
Christ, commentards can be TOUCHY sometimes!
The two situations are not comparable. The photos weren't put online by a third party - SHE did it!
If the original owner of something (pics or music etc) puts it online, freely available to all they can't then complain when every other bugger takes it and uses it.
Yes, she put them up under her Bebo account and so, presumably, only friends should have been able to see them but anyone who still holds the delusion that online privacy mechanisms are reliable and will stop pictures of you in your smalls sweeping the web....well, they're idiots - aren't they?
I really only use this app for backing-up apps to my SD card but that alone is worth the download. I've changed 'droid handsets quite a lot recently and this back-up facility has been a real time saver by allowing me to move apps from one handset to the other, without having to re-download them.
I think it was you guys who mentioned this app a while ago. Since I installed it on my Hero, it's been invaluable. It allows you to back up all of your contact info, including call history and texts, and download them to a new handset.
In addition, the handset lockdown gives real piece of mind should the phone get stolen and the ability to see who the tea-leaf is texting and calling is a big help to police etc.
Top class app, and FREE!! We Love You Android!
....til the climate change dig.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with questioning the consensus and looking at the actual science.
Sure, El Reg can be a little one-sided on the subject but I haven't seen any other 'mainstream' news site doing any real questioning at all.
Ok, you got me - I hadn't factored in the needs of a graphic designer on the move into my thoughts when puzzling the ultimate usefulness of a tablet computer - so sue me! ;0)
But, despite it's apparent usefulness to you, I still can't see any reason beyond clever marketing that tablet computers would necessitate such hype\desire within the general populace.
In any case, would the convenience of pressure-sensitive touch-screen drawing really be worth $/£500 to you? I don't know the requirements of your job but I know that if I went to my boss and asked to spend that sort of money on something that makes my job a bit easier or more enjoyable (watching movies on the train etc), I'd get a big fat no.
In addition, I'm not sure quoting the iPad as a means of avoiding carrying loads of netbook power supplies and adapters etc is going to hold much water - it's been well documented on various reviews that if you need to do anything with the iPad that requires any contact with an external device, it ends up looking like Medusas latest haircut.
And at the risk of labouring a point, while your reasons for desiring a tablet are obviously worthy they nonetheless kill dead the whole idea behind the marketing - that these devices are for 'consuming, not creating'. This, I guess, is the nucleus of my argument - you have to go out of your way to use the device for a purpose that it was not designed for in order to find it useful...don't you find that odd?
I'm really trying to temper my normal, rabidly anti-Apple mindset because I am genuinely at a loss to understand the concept (graphics designers excepted) that makes these devices any more desirable or even useful to most people than a netbook to the degree that it's worth spending so much money.
I am desperately trying to understand why tablets like the iPad and the Slate have suddenly become such big news. It's like waking up in the morning and suddenly realising that a new fashion for wearing tea-coseys as hats has swept the world, with everyone convinced they look amazing and are the next big thing.
It's crazy - these devices are riddled wtih comprimises and I am genuinely at a loss to identify what need they are fufilling. I've heard all the guff about 'consuming, not creating' etc but I find it inescapable that there is nothing the iPad can do that can't be done on a smartphone\netbook combo. And while it's desirable to have one device that can do the job of two, these tablets can't - they don't make calls, for a start - and even if they could, the price is just.....well, it boggles my mind. Crazy.
To my mind, the ridiculous price-tags just confirm their status as the latest must-have for people who buy what they're told to buy.
"but if you don't fuck yourself up, it does no harm to anyone else."
That's true, no arguement here. But why take the risk? Is the pay-off really worth it?
I mean, getting high\stoned is great and you can have a fantastic time etc. but what are a few hours of fun compared to the risk of seriously messing your life up?
I know you can say that about a lot of things, that are perhaps much more likely to hurt you - such as bunjee jumping or driving a racing car. But in my experience, drug use hurts a much higher number of people than those other things and I can't understand, when people are fully aware of those risks, why they continue to take the risks and, worse, to argue their right to do so with such fervour.
It's just crazy, to my eyes.
"What is it with these muppets who can see no reason to change or invent or improve"
Fair enough - just do me favour and point out for me what, exactly, Apple has changed, invented or improved with this lacklustre, plastic money-magnet?
I get that it's supposed to make money - unfortunately, it's going to do that in spades - but to claim that Apple have been creative or have launched a "paradigm shift product" (btw, you should be imprisoned for making me quote such an hateful phrase) is to just blindly buy in to the marketing bullshit that Apple and the fanbois are dishing out.
So, as far as making money and pleasing their shareholders, Apple = success.
But as far as producing another truly innovative technology product that will dominate an as-yet un-tapped niche? FAIL!
"have u heard Mandeleigh music? it is really good.
Have you heard the crap played on the radio? that is the major label...
you choose"
Sorry, can't finish this post - I have to rush out and buy everything I can to do with "Mandeleigh", purely on the strength of this well-considered and carefully typed endorsement.
Oh, wait..... no, I don't.