Well there goes my Reg reading time in a day
I'm a software developer, and I'll sit having a quick skim through El Reg whilst waiting the 10 minutes or so for my code to build or the database models the application runs on to publish as I'm working.
The company's been getting really quite ridiculously paranoid recently about security and work effort from people across the business, to the point where as devs, we've lost local admin access to our machines [making it harder to test the windows services or full-blown IIS sites that make up the company application]. As a business as a whole, we're having heavy security monitoring of things we do online now, so I can totally see that at some point in the near future the company will be using Recall to monitor our actual screen time on if we're actually working, or ... in my case reading The Reg.
I can't see any real user value for Recall, but I can totally get the stalkery business value for it. A native online presence feature that avoids covering the camera or mic with tape, and could easily spot mouse jiggers.