Re: Mainframe version
I remember Adventure being deleted from the server at Uni (Imperial College, London) - only for the mail spools to become "overful" as we mailed ourselves a copy as we logged off :-)
Perfect training ....
4 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Sep 2010
I'll never forget Lemmings... it was great as a single player game... but on the BBC Micro was the option to play split screen... two player Lemmings... one team had green shirts and blue hair... and the other blue shirts and green hair...
You each carried forward your lemmings from the last level... some levels you had to work together (otherwise no-one would save any lemmings)... and then you had to set a trap, so that every lemming went into your exit... (the exit they went out of decided who they would play for next time...)
And some levels were pure combat.... Sooo many late nights playing that game....
A few years back, I was out of town with my dog, and we walked through the drive-through section of Coventry McDonalds. It was quiet, and there were no cars in the queue, so that might explain it.... The reason for doing so, was that, I assumed, the dog wouldn't be welcome in the restaurant.
The next night we visited a chip shop, and the server was happy to take the order and money through the door.
I too work in IT, and getting this message first thing on Friday morning I did a double take, and a full virus check with Avast just to make sure.
My biggest concern is what my poor old Mum would do when confronted with the message... although my brother and I have trained her well.... so she would probably phone or e-mail to check.
As it is, I warned her by mail not to panic.
I too am on the lookout for an alternate free option if one exists.