* Posts by maclauk

2 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Feb 2010

Boeing's 'Phantom Eye' Ford Fusion powered stratocraft


Forget hydrogen, just fuel it with petrol

"At least a degree of magnitude more efficient usually."

Given that a car engine is roughly 25 - 30 % efficient then an order of magnitude would make a power plant 250 - 300 % efficient!?! Power plants are more efficient but then there are losses in transmission, in charging and in storage. Heading up a motorway at constant speed also gives little efficiency advantage to hybrids and electric cars. Their gains come from stop start driving.

Plus why would anyone be bothered with fuelling this thing with tricky expensive hydrogen when easy to handle petrol is everywhere and it is, after all, based on a pair of car engines. The hydrogen is technical complexity with little to no benefit.

Leaky antivirus defences letting malware through


Found legitamate software

Its easy to say you have identified dangerous software on lots of machines if you generate a load of false positives. On my machine it identified my TOR proxy as a danger and two executables from the PCB design suite Diptrace.

Don't believe the hype....