* Posts by david hill 1

6 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Feb 2010

Top VW exec blames car pollution cheatware scandal on 'a couple of software engineers'

david hill 1

Volkswagen is just a mere example of how corporate power corrupts and undermines the people at the expense of power, wealth and sheer greed of the corporation and capitalist industrialists/the wealthiest top 1%.

Médecins Sans Frontières, the humanitarian group of international doctors, nurses and clinicians, has stated that the TTP (the Asian equivalent of the TTIP), would dismantle public health safeguards enshrined in international law and restrict access to affordable generic medicines for millions of people in developing countries. Therefore US politicians and corporate power are driving profits as usual at the expense of humanity and where apparently they just do not care about the human side of things, for wealth, power and greed is all that these people ultimately comprehend. That is why the world is in the terrible dire state that it is, as the mentality is that of an insane human and nothing else.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: A Threat to Affordable Medicines for Millions (Médecins Sans Frontières, the humanitarian group of international doctors, nurses and clinicians)


Humanity is Entering the Final Stage of 'its' Development Existence, as Corporate Power and Greed, Consolidated Globalisation and the Politico-Wealthy Corporate Agenda Engages with the World's Largest Ever by Far Global Trade Agreements that will undermine the World order, not Sustain it - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/humanity-is-entering-final-stage-of-its.html

But also this week, the hospital run by Médecins Sans Frontières in the Afghan city of Kunduz was bombed, killing nine MSF staff members together with twenty two patients, and what can be seen as an indicator that the US have other ideals. The reason is that they bombed the hospital for about 1-hour even though the humanitarian Médecins Sans Frontières organization that cares and medically helps all humans, contacted the US to ask them to stop straight after the first hit. They did not and continued.

Indeed, there seems to be emerging, a sense that the US, through its vested corporate-interest and vast weapons industry (largest producer and creator of killing arms in the world by far), has created wars, not stopped them. In this respect questions are being asked, is ISIS a joint American generated situation to sell US armaments.

Q. I wonder if Snowden or Assange knows?

A. Probably, but no-one will believe them where western controlled media is concerned by the censorship of the richest 1%..

Is the 'Islamic State' a CIA-Mossad Creation? - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/is-islamic-state-cia-mossad-creation.html

Time will tell, but it is going to take millions of lives, human misery and unprecedented intercontinental displacements (more than even WW1 & WW2 combined) to find out. There is a simple question to ask ourselves in the West, "Why do you think that many in the world hate us"? It certainly is not for lack of trying, so what could it be?

Wikileaks publishes TiSA: A secret trade pact between US, Europe and others for big biz pals

david hill 1

Wikileaks have always been right to date and I would think that they will be right again. But don't you think that it is strange that the mainstream media has hardly let us know about the largest trade deal in history? That's a bit strange in itself. - Politicians are Allowing Corporations to Kill us - The TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) is so evil that our political negotiators are now allowing 'Cancer' creating carcinogenic crop sprays to be used in the European Union' - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/politicians-are-allowing-corporations.html

New IPCC report: 8 ways climate change will throw world into peril

david hill 1

Things are even far worse than what people really think - even when wearing rose tinted glasses

Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC (and a Hon.Member of the Foundation) has had many years in the environment field and knows what he is stating (with others). Therefore we should all take note of what these intelligent and intuitive minds say that go into the 1000s who have given their input into this updated global study.

Indeed the Royal Society (world's foremost scientific institution), MIT (the world's foremost technology institution) and others have stated also that the world is in progressive meltdown. Climate change just a part of this dire situation for humans and where the problem is far, far greater than what people really think - http://www.eureporter.co/frontpage/2014/03/29/comment-humanity-is-heading-towards-armageddon/

Indeed, the Royal society and MIT say that a collapse of the society and the world order could take less than 30-years. But we should all note that these 'warnings' are from the world's leading scientific and technological institutions (also supported by NASA research) and not the usual 'end of the world' crackpots. So people had better start to realise that things are just not as they seem and where those wearing rose tinted glasses looking at the world order, should have a reality check for their own long-term good.

Dr David Hill


World Innovation Foundation

EU agrees to make documents available to support anti-cartel suits

david hill 1

This goes completely against the proposed so-called EU-USA free trade agreement and therefore give it no credence.

For there is no such thing as pure democracy and politicians fighting for the people anymore, just partyocracy and the politico-corporation mantra that treads on the people's rights and wellbeing.

Indeed this trade pact will be any no good for the people of the USA and the EU. For this trade pact is not an free-trade agreement for the people of the USA and the EU (they are the cash-cows) but for big business. Indeed the agreement has built into it a minimum profit for the multinationals and if this is not met, they will be able to sue the USA and EU national governments (supported by the taxpayer who ultimately pay) for the difference through secret courts behind closed doors. Don't believe me read the 'small print'. Therefore this pact will definitely make things and commodities dearer and the people of the US and the EU the poorer. But it will of course make the mighty corporations richer by far as usual with the western politico-corporation 'behind closed doors' collaboration.



Dr David Hill


World Innovation Foundation

£1m 'Nobel prize of engineering' named after the Queen

david hill 1

Politicians do not understand the great worth of engineers in the UK

I became aware that politicians and Downing Street do not comprehend the great worth to the nation of Engineers several years ago. To see the prime minister, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband unveiling the £1 million prize for The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering is sheer hypocrisy based upon first-hand experience on the part of our politicians.

I say this because it is a fact that a British citizen and a little old white haired great-grandfather figure now deceased and hardly known in the United Kingdom, even though he did most of his revolutionary engineering work there, was not seen fit to be knighted by our politicians in 2000. To put this person into perspective, this solitary engineer literally revolutionised engineering sciences throughout the world and where his great work has now entered into most of the sciences, saving countless lives in the process every day. His name was the late Professor Dr (mult.) John Argyris, the modern inventor of the Finite Element Method and where Professor Ray Clough, regarded as the most eminent structural engineer in the USA stated this in his 1960 publication and where he first coined the phrase Finite Element Method. Indeed Clough stated in his ground breaking publication that it was the Argyris Method’, ceding the FEM to Argyris in perpetuity. But to put Argyris into perspective the following world changing events and engineering feats amongst a few would not have happened including the 1969 moon landing, the determination that the ‘shuttle’ would be safe upon re-entry and where planes, cars, dams, trains and buildings etc would not be as safe as they are today. Indeed Argyris’s work has most probably saved tens of millions of lives indirectly over the last 50 years through his unparalleled research work.

But the greatest reason why Argyris should have been knighted by our politicians is because in 1943 after the British airlifted him from Germany via Lisbon, he single-handily determined at the Royal Aeronautical Society (working then for the British Government) that our aircraft design data sheets had up to 80% faults in their structural design. In this respect the Establishment (non-engineers who thought that Argyris was trying to destroy them) did not believe him and it was only because our aircraft industry at the time said that Argyris was right that they were eventually overturned. One has therefore to put this ‘single’ enormous engineering design feat into perspective also. How many allied lives were saved by our planes being far safer considering that tens, if not hundreds of thousands of allied paratroopers alone landed safely on mainland Europe before and after D-Day it has to be asked? Indeed if we had continued to send highly defective aircraft to liberate Europe, how many would have been killed by faulty engineering than Nazi bullets it has to be asked? But again, in 2000 the political Establishment refused to Knight him even though he had since the end of WW2 developed the greatest design invention in the history of global engineering. Therefore not until politicians really understand the worth of engineers what they say and do will be just mere words and a complete political charade.

Argyris did of course receive the highest national engineering awards from 17 nations, so what did they see that our politicians did not?

Dr David Hill

World Innovation Foundation

Four UK politicians charged for dodgy expenses

david hill 1
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Parliament is immeasurably underminded if these fraudsters are let off the hook

Apparently the charged Members of Parliament are planning to use the antiquated law of parliamentary privilege to get away with their ill-gotten takings. This law that was enacted in the 1689 Bill of Rights was to protect Parliamentarians from arrest in the course of their duties. Then the Act was to stop their heads being chopped off by an all powerful dictator. Today although it appears at times that we have a dictatorial leadership, this clearly cannot happen. If these scroungers therefore get off on this ancient 321 year old law, it means that MPs can do anything more-or-less with impunity and commit even greater crimes against the people that they supposingly serve. If this happens, political democracy and parliament have then failed miserably the people and where our political system is completely out of touch with even reality itself. We need the whole system bringing up to date where human integrity is brought back into the equation for the nation’s sake and primarily before anarchy is the price that we all have to pay.

Dr David Hill

World Innovation Foundation Charity