* Posts by cpf

6 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Feb 2010

Boffins teach old radios new channel-hopping tricks


Some good stuff there people are smoking...

...to think that live event techs will accept their shows being run on shared frequencies, especially when the additional unreliability comes in a package with a huge increase in price and complexity, not to mention a mandatory network with Internet access.

Cancellation technique doubles wireless throughput


Have I heard this story before?

DRM-free music dream haunts Apple's app-store lock-in


Just because they could

...doesn't mean they have to. Having >$15,000 invested in Nikon lenses and camera bodies, I'm well aware that no amount if whining will make Canon come out with products compatible with my investment, and I knew that from the first purchase I ever made. From the developer's perspective, the Android and iOS apps are entirely different products that each took time to develop, and therefore they are quite entitled to separate remuneration for each.

As for moving to HTML-based apps, well, we all know exactly how well that went over the first time...

Apple releases iTunes 10.3 with beta iCloud

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You've gotta flip a switch on your device's settings panel

It's under "Store."

Steam rushes from Valve onto Macs

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It's the lesser of two evils when you're talking about Steam vs "other DRM," and toss Mac into the equation and it's your only choice for mainstream gaming.

Sony to revamp movie classics for 3D era


I forsee problems

Such as but not limited to: truly turning a 2D video track into 3D is impossible.