* Posts by Two Sheds

10 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Feb 2010

HTC One M9 Android smartphone: Like a M8 with a squinty eye

Two Sheds

So long, HTC. And thanks for all the fish

Thanks for an enlightening review, putting another nail into HTC's coffin, I would imagine.

I've been loyal to HTC for many years because I like the design and UI.

I started with a cheap Wildfire (horrible screen and poor battery life - ugh!), moved on to a to Desire (brilliant, but poor battery life), One X (excellent, but poor battery life) and the One M7 (superb, beautiful, but poor battery life). Every time they launch a new phone, I keep thinking this will be the one that will last all day, and I'm always disappointed. What's the point of having a slim and lightweight phone if you have to lug a battery pack around too?

Like Ol'Peculier, I have an M7 contract that runs out in the summer. I often upgrade early and pay off the device cost (on O2 refresh), giving me an approx 18 month upgrade cycle. I'm really glad I haven't rushed out and got an M9 as it looks like a turkey.

As with the reviewer, I'm not thrilled with Lollipop, and on my M7 it's a mess. You still can't access the alarm from the notifications (even when it's set and there's an icon in the notification area). The "power saver" mode (screen dimmer mode) stays on the notification screen, meaning I keep accidentally turning it off, reducing battery life from about 10 hrs to about 7. I've not found anything good about the upgrade.

I held off the partly M8 because of the camera, so I'm also sad to see the new one is not too great.

I'll check-out the Z4 in the autumn I think. Then I can retire my battery pack for camping trips only.

Bye bye HTC. It was fun, but you have no stamina.

HTC woes prompts 'leave now' tweet from former staffer

Two Sheds

Re: hey HTC fans....

This review opened my eyes to the camera --> http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_s4_vs_htc_one-review-913.php. Shame, as the rest of the phone seems to be ace.

Two Sheds


I have a One X and I'm half way through my two year contract.


Looks good / Speedy / Great screen, both size and ppi / Good camera / FM radio.


The long delay getting 4.1 and now waiting for 4.2 / Battery life not great.

Which leaves me with a problem at end of contract. I don't want to buy a phone from a company that won't be around for the lifetime of the contract. I also want a good camera, which looks like a FAIL for the HTC One. So as things stand, I'll be jumping ship in the new year - except Sammy have dropped the FM radio. Just have to hope there's something out there by next March.

Review: HTC One

Two Sheds

Re: No microSD AGAIN

I've been buying HTC phones for many years and never had any problems with build quality. On the contrary, they're very solid.

My current One X is a joy and O look forward to 12 months from now when my contract renews to see what they've got by then.

I too sync dropbox Wi-Fi only and never even think about storage.

Google Play Music is pretty ace too. Just pin any album and it syncs to you phone. Much easier than the awful iTunes.

Google plants rainbow flag in anti-gay countries

Two Sheds

True, but ...

those sort of attitudes are slowly being pushed down the chain to the more 'uggish' employers - never seen an obvious gay or trans at my any of my local tyre fitters for instance (not many brown faces either for that matter). My (large) employer has a very rigorous and proactive anti-discrimination policy, because they lose talented potential employees otherwise.

I know a trans with similar experiences, but the same could have been said about gay people 20 years ago, and black people 40 years ago. It just takes some people (Sun readers, mostly) a little time to catch up.

As has been said, just be grateful we don't live in a backward east European or Asian country (or, god forbid, the Bible Belt in the US), but even there many people don't share the views of the extremists and loudmouths.


Pining for a drink (on antibiotics, harrumph).

What is the Nokia Secret Plan if Windows 8 isn't Windows gr8?

Two Sheds

Re: They're doomed!

"but I think they're time is nigh"

An unusual use of an incorrect "they're" instead of "their" rather than the more usual other way round.

Sky Anytime+ to pipe BBC iPlayer

Two Sheds
Thumb Up

@Phil A.

Press release here http://corporate.sky.com/media/press_releases/2012

Verizon retreats on ‘convenience fee’ for online bill payment

Two Sheds

@ AC 10:23

Take more water with it mate. UK is miles ahead of most countries for telephony competition. I just switched from Virgin to Sky, paid £10 for new BT Open Reach line (rewired back to exchange), paying 19.95/month for line rental, unlimited broadband and all evening/weekend calls. Why stay with BT?

Sky's mobile movies move leaves Apple, Amazon gasping

Two Sheds


Big girl?

Microsoft's IE 8 misses Windows 7 updraft

Two Sheds

Chrome for me

I'm very much a 'normal' user and I hate IE8. It's just so slow!

I find FF quite beta-ish, and Opera too fussy, and I don't like anything from (cr)apple.

I really like Chrome, or rather it's privacy-friendly European clone Iron. It's ultra fast compared to FF and IE, easy to customize search (why on earth would you want to 'bing', though), has great features: bookmark sync (fab), start page thingy, p0rn mode (AKA incognito), great use of screen space (bookmarks only shown when you open a tab for exampe), and now supports add-ons.

I have no built-in dislike of MS, but IE8 is a step backwards.