* Posts by thechanklybore

16 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Feb 2010

POW! Digia straps Qt into ejector seat, gleefully pulls handle


Programming Language?

It's a toolkit & GUI API for C++ and other languages, not a language itself.

Apple's SNEAKY plan: COPY ANDROID. Hello iPhone 6, Watch


Square watches

Square watches are aesthetically unacceptable when produced by Samsung & LG. Is the inevitable outpouring of appreciation for this particular square tantamount to racism?

I suppose the whatever-the-fuck-it's-called on the side will make the square design suddenly brilliant?

British boffin tells Obama's science advisor: You're wrong on climate change


Top British Expert?

He's fresh out of the lab, having published his first notable paper in 2010, but let's not let actual facts quash your hyperbole.

The trouble with your criminally inaccurate reports, Mr Page, is that you often get a bit overenthusiastic, possibly from playing with your toy tanks past bedtime.

Android tablets to outsell laptops by 2017: IDC


Re: Of course Android tablets are going to overtake PC laptops...

As opposed to Windows, where it's really hard? Seriously?

Best budget Android smartphone there is? Must be the Moto G


Re: So not landfill Android then?

Indeed, it's just a confusing viewpoint. I've been using a quad-core, IPS-screened, Gorilla-Glassed, 2GB of RAM Huawei phone for about a year. It cost me just over £180 new. Excellent and cheap Android phones have been around for a while as AT points out. Some of the ZTE Orange-branded stuff was actually really rather decent.


Re: Resistance is futile...

Shill? For saying that this phone is better than the cheapy Winmobes and iPhone super-expensive plastic edition?

I think you might need a reality check sir.


So not landfill Android then?

Between Orlowski and Taylor I no longer know which side of the argument The Register is on. I thought cheap phones were all rubbish? AO always seems to make this claim (despite my having not owned a single Android phone that cost more than £200, and without having to throw any of them in the bin as he suggests) and now AT says this! Confusion reigns.

OS X Mavericks mail client spews INFINITE SPAM


It was always broken. I really like the fact that Mac-land, as well as Windows-land, is full of websites telling you how to use their broken software. That said, Windows-land tends to consider breakages as bugs.

Murdoch calls for world+dog to 'expose' Google


Re: robots.txt???

I assume you're a lawyer with extensive experience of internet-related copyright issues.

You'll easily be able to point out which law prevents publicly accessible web-pages from being scraped then?

What's that? No you're not and no you can't. That's a surprise.

Office 365 goes to work on an Android


"The allergy to mice in Chrome for Android is one example: Google sees mice in Android as a massive threat. Android is local-application based.

If people could use a keyboard and mouse with Android properly, then they would have no reason to move away from the local-application model. Google's future is bet on SaaS applications and tied to Chrome OS."

Eh? Android works perfectly fine with a mouse - the fact that it doesn't have right-click context etc is simply because it's designed for use with a touchscreen.

What are you on about?

Huawei Ascend P6: Skinny smartphone that's not just bare bones


Huawei Sunspider

I've got a Huawei Honor 2 (U9508) which has exactly the same chipset (and screen).

I'm running Emotion UI on Android 4.1.2, but I get 1,436ms in Sunspider. Seems they've gone backwards with the software then.

All told though, the U9508 is an utterly excellent phone for the dollars, and I really can't understand people's reluctance to buy Huawei. They're all made by Foxconn, morons.

Russian mobile operators say 'nyet!' to Apple, 'da!' to Samsung


Re: Woah! Hold on there!

Raymond Luxury-Yacht, you get extra points for the name.

Graphical front ends for PowerShell? Here's a couple for you


Limited Usefulness

I really quite heavily despise PowerShell. As a very experienced *nix admin I find it's mixture of super-verbose commands and lack of easy-access manual a real pain in the neck to use.

It's not helped by the fact that MS like to use mega-long alphanumeric IDs for all kinds of things which means your shell commands are often hundreds of characters long.

This is fine for scripting, but as an interactive user environment it utterly sucks.

No Gingerbread snack for Desire owners, says HTC


Cyanogen Mod

If it's really an issue, then people can easily install Cyanogen mod. It's really just a case of buying Rom Manager Premium, and choosing to install. Not as clean as a real operator upgrade maybe, but I've used it on all my Android devices so far and the stable releases pretty much just work.

Xerox Phaser 6125



I think The Reg is missing the point on the driver front here. Most of these printers support either Postscript or HPLIP under JetDirect, and connect to the network via ethernet, so driver/OS support is a completely moot issue. Have none of you there ever used a network printer before?!

The mind boggles.

Save DAB! Send FM radios to Africa



It's not often I agree with you Andrew (in face you might say that I often vehemently disagree), but you're right on the button with this. Why oh why should anyone waste time, energy and perfectly good radios by shipping them halfway around the world when we're so busy listening to the terrifying reports of global warming caused by excess carbon emissions being broadcast on them? Bizarre.