* Posts by Peter 82

21 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Feb 2010

Anatomy of a killer bug: How just 5 characters can murder iPhone, Mac apps

Peter 82

My workmate tried it out by sending himself this text message. We are all pointing and laughing.

On a related note.

Anyone any idea how you can delete a text message with this string in it?

Brits: We can stop trolling if we know where they live - poll

Peter 82

Re: GB Public want an end to anonymous registration?

This is almost a Yes Minister survey

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0ZZJXw4MTA>Survey clip</a>

OWN GOAL! 100s of websites blocked after UK Premier League drops ball

Peter 82

Re: A bit like super injunctions ...

Set up two companies.

One who has no uk staff/buildings etc. based in Sweden.

One who is a uk ISP.

Put a large fiber optic connection between the two.

The UK ISP only connects it's customers to the one IP address in Sweden. The Swedish company does the routing from there.

The UK ISP cannot block any IP addresses without cutting it's customers off of the internet as it only connects to one.

The Swedish company does not have to obey UK law.

New NSA tool exposed: XKeyscore sees 'nearly EVERYTHING you do online'

Peter 82

Re: asdf Wake up call

Please don't let them look at specific other peoples data! (UK Judges, Journalists, MPs, CEOs)

I really don't think my data is useful or of interest to the NSA/Intelligence agencies. However, the fact that they can (and probably are) looking at all of the phone calls and internet searches and related information that they can get their hands on for some people worries me. This is because I don't want the NSA to be looking for blackmail-able material for UK Judges, Journalists, politicians, company managers etc. Oh! and their families (If I can't blackmail the PM, can I blackmail his cousin/nephew etc).

TL:DR I'm not too bothered by their access to my info. I am bothered by them reading our Lord Chief Justice's data or his children's data.

WAR ON PORN: UK flicks switch on 'I am a pervert' web filters

Peter 82

Re: fight back

I'm actually genuinely worried that not filtering will stand against you if social services ever happens to notice you.

NSA chief leaks info on data sharing tech: It's SharePoint

Peter 82

Re: Amazing amount of BS

I've got two issues with your point of view and one issue with your "facts".

Fact first. Any agency that needs info from NSA or the NSA requesting info from its own servers does not require to go through FISA more than once. This is because FISA has been granting over wide "warrants". In the UK courts you are supposed to make a new request for surveillance type information for each "case" or "person of interest". FISA seems to have accepted "all info pertinent to the search for terrorists" as a valid request. No real limitations to this.

I agree that no one is looking through all the data. I very much doubt that my phone calls/ internet searches/email are being read by anything more than the equivalent to Google's Spiders. However, the fact that they can (and probably are) looking at all of the phonecalls and internet searches and related information that they can get their hands on for some people worries me. This is because I don't want the NSA to be looking for blackmail-able material for UK Judges, Journalists, politicians, company managers etc. Oh and their families (If I can't blackmail the PM, can I blackmail his cousin/nephew etc).

TL:DR Just because my info is not of interest doesn't mean that the info they are looking at isn't actively detrimental to my life/sources of info/access to justice.

Squillionaire space tourist offers oldsters a holiday to Mars

Peter 82


I'd have thought that the easiest way to deal with the pysch issues is to send a loner with no-one else. A computer + games, Kindle + books. With the contact (even time delayed) to some semi-decent humans back on earth, this shouldn't be too much of a strain. Especially if you include some turn based games; Chess, Civ, Sword of the Stars

Oracle wants another go at Google over Android Java copyrights

Peter 82

Re: Fscking ridiculous

That's not true. In the uk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_dealing_in_United_Kingdom_law

As the Harry Potter author is english I'd have thought she would have tried to sue under uk copy-write law if she could. However the analogy stands as none of the text is copied and tapping into a fan base of another author is legal if the elements are not trademarked/trademarkable.

If she wanted to contest under trademark law I'm sure she would have done so by now, so there might be a reason that this is not do-able too. (changing harry potter to barry trotter and keeping the character roughly similar is not enough of a defense).

NRA: Video games kill people, not guns. And here's our video game

Peter 82

Re: The right to bear arms (does not define those arms for a reason!)

Dammit! I thought I'd checked that post for spelling mistakes. The last paragraph should read:

"Doing a little more research... Maybe we should compare cities. I thought I'll try wiki again but the page for cities by murder rate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_murder_rate doesn't list any UK cities. It lists 4 US cities with murder rates of 58,48,35,31 though. Quoting from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_London London has between 2.2 and 1.9 for the last few years"

Peter 82

Re: The right to bear arms (does not define those arms for a reason!)

Really confused here.

2 mins of research got me to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate

which indicates there are 4 times the number of homicides per captia in the USA versus the UK. So how does this support using guns as self defense?

Doing a little more research... Maybe we should compare cities. I thought I'll try wiki again but the page for cities by muder rate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_murder_rate doesn't list and uk cities. It lists 4 US cities with murder rates of 58,48,35,31 though. Quoting from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_London London has between 2.2 and 1.9 for the last few years.

The Big Debate: OK gloomsters, how can the music biz be FIXED?

Peter 82

State funded is a bad thing?

I find that the arguments given are somewhat strange.

Most people I talk to argue about price and choice and availability not moral right or wrong. (you should pay for something you consume unless it is really being given free, not much to argue here).

In the past all radio stations that played pop music were pirate. They were pursued by the recording industry. To the best of my knowledge the only thing that changed the status of them was the state enforcing a system of micropayments or royalty. I like the radio. I think a large section of the population and artists agree that the pop radio is, on balance, a good thing. I "pay" for radio by listening to adverts.

Library's are mentioned as an example of a sharing institution based on IP. This is true but the funding does not come from a business model. Private libraries have a very spotted history and, I believe, the most successful ones were beneficiaries from altruistic payments.

My current favourite way of listening to music (while not in my car) is last.fm. I am not too sure of their business model but I believe it is in part to their pushing some bands above other ones. I used to listen to spotify but I constantly got irritated by different labels pulling their collections and my playlists no longer working.

I would like the government to step in and force an agreement like with the radios. Streaming music is here to stay. The methods for listening to this should be available.

With regards to sales, the cost and availablity is what really gets my friends annoyed (I don't buy all that much and don't pirate at all since uni) is the region agreements where they cannot legally buy what they want to in this country and the price issues. A CD in the shops being 5 pounds (quite old cd now) for 12+ tracks. On the internet you have to buy them at 99p per track. With no distribution costs (including shelf space which can be expensive), physical manufacturing costs and less cuts from third parties why does it cost more for a product that is provably worse. As by UK law I am not allowed to lend my tracks downloaded but can my cd?

Cloud no cure for IT department haters

Peter 82

IT hater here


I work in a development team (A business intelligence team that does extras) and as far as I am concerned the structure of our IT department is incredibly flawed.

Examples as why I dislike IT.

Despite having confirmed funding for a new server (MS SQL and Web server) it has so far taken 2 years and we still haven't actually got a server. The price has fluctuated by more than 400% (both up and down) and the last 3 "You will have it by this date" have been postponed/cancelled due to IT's failure to be able to actually have available hardware (or availability on a virtual server).

It is almost impossible to talk to anyone who knows anything remotely technical. The helpdesk staff are a joke (outsourced) and all tickets must be raised by them. Tickets have a tendency of being closed due to lack of information despite you telling the helpdesk staff the correct information. No attempt to find the information is made.

In the last 3 years almost any contacts I know of inside IT have left, taking with them a large quantity of knowledge that IT has not replaced.

Procurement has to go through IT. This is incredibly slow and has a good chance of being cancelled for no reason.

When asked for quotes on work they charge £5K just to think about it. The last quote I heard for a call logging application that retrieved information from our billing system was a £250k!


This company's IT is worse but not by a huge amount than my previous companies IT department. But what they both have in common is that part/all of the IT is outsourced to IBM.

How to choose the right screen size

Peter 82

kinect = 6ft or 1.8 metres

Therefore you need at least a 45" TV and that's for one person

Apparently for 2 people to be playing you want to be 2.5 meters away means you need a 62"

Google infringes copyright by displaying and linking to news site content

Peter 82

Am I the only one

Who wants Google to apply this law to all websites hosted in Belgium for the next 24 hours. Flemish sites are allowed, other countries websites are allowed but anything "homegrown" disappears.

Wait for all of the complaints that come in and use that as evidence in the next court case.

CNET sued for giving kids LimeWire

Peter 82

yep people should be responsible

I agree with this.

But, the person (or company) who makes software that is intended to be used to break the law (low orbit ion cannon? sony DRM on cd's) should be held responsible.

I don't know in the case of limewire but CNET had nothing to do with it.

As far as CNET was concerned this was a legal free piece of software that it's users could download.

Judge to music industry: 'Worth trillions? Forget it'

Peter 82
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That would be a marvellous precedent

If they awarded 75c for the combined downloads and the inevitable appeal was lost then anyone else they tried to sue could use this ruling to reduce the damages down to less than a cent

Boffins demand: Cull bogus A-Levels, hire brainier teachers

Peter 82


Currently the job of teaching is extremely unattractive.

What with not that great pay, ridiculous levels of paperwork, job risks that include being sued for everything and anything that you may or may not have done, only the very dedicated stick to it. Also having known a fair number of teachers the office politics are extreme and can damage your mental health.

Mumsnet backtracks support for net filter

Peter 82

no porn on phone unless asked for?

I've not tried hard but getting "naugty pics" and even videos on my phone is easy and I didn't opt out of anything

Google boss: 'Creeped out by Street View? Just move'

Peter 82
Black Helicopters

Amusingly enough I am less bothered by this....

Than by the fact that the US government might be able to tap into this information.

Google does not have men with guns to come and get me.

Google does not have the ability to extradite me for a crime I may or may not have committed.

Google does not pay me and has no direct impact on the amount of money I earn.

Google cannot ruin my life other than selling my information to sales people or identity fraudsters.

If Google started making a habit of ruining peoples lives I (along with a large number of other

people) would stop using them.

However now try and replace the word Google with the government of your choice and you can see my only concern.

Brazilian banker's crypto baffles FBI

Peter 82
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Steve Jobs dubs Google's 'don't be evil' motto 'bulls**t'

Peter 82

How is creating competition evil?

iPhone killer? I don't know. But surely more consumer choice is a good thing right?