Love the comments from the comedians who think they are being snobby with their "superior" phones. First of all, you've all been saying BlackBerry is dead, for about 4 years now. Secondly, we should all want competition to keep our favourite manufacturers in check. Who cares if you don't like BB or what I like? It's about as many players as possible.
Posts by Bear Features
158 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jan 2010
BlackBerry claims ugly duckling Passport mobe is a swan in the offing
BlackBerry's Passport will be the WEIRDEST mobe of 2014
Z30: The classiest BlackBerry mobe ever ... and possibly the last
and again...firstly people, especially the media, have been saying BB is about to collapse, for the last 3 years.
Secondly, why bash bash BB? So you're an Aple Fanboi or an Android Fan... you really want no choice in the market? It HAS to be your brand and your brand only?? That makes sense... not.
I would be a travesty to see them go. I hope they don't. In addition lets have more and lets enjoy the choice! For our wallets' sake, as well as choice.
HALF of air passengers leave phones on ... yet STILL no DEATH PLUNGE
Re: Not just radio signal safety
I'm sorry but what are you talking about?
1. If they were THAT interested in passenger "undivided" attention they'd also comment about reading magazines and books and whatever else. Or are you suggesting that there are different levels of attention and it's OK to ignore if you're reading a book?
2. We are post 9/11. You have to jump through hoops to get on a plane now. One guys tries to blow up a plane with a shoe, we ALL have to remove shoes with heels through security before getting on a plane. But no serious checks with phones? I work at Gatwick and as a pilot once said to me, if there was any chance, whatsoever, that a phone could bring down a plane, he'd not be a pilot.
There has never been any evidence to show how these magic and mysterious signals can have any negative impact on flight systems. Because, obviously, if there was any evidence, along with the security checks due to terrorism and safety - we'd have very different rules and you'd either not be able to fly with your phone, or they'd have a hand-in system where you collect after landing.
BSkyB punters drown in MASSIVE MYSTERY Yahoo! mail! migration!
Microsoft Xbox gaffe reveals cloudy arrogance
BIS, bash, bosh: El Reg solves BlackBerry 10 email bafflement
OMG: RIM adds VoIP to its stealth social network
WHITE WHALE spent 4 years trying to tell us something, then stopped
Re: Best get those scientists out there to do their research
What are you waffling on about? .... We minimise our impact on whales by... guess what, leaving them alone. And that includes direct and indirect. We need to look at our own species and wake up to the fact that if we carry on the way we're doing, we'll not be here very long. We've only been here "five minutes" and look at what we have destroyed, including ourselves.
Skype for Windows 8 is coming: Always on, always in your contacts
Toshiba AT300 10in Android tablet review
Amazon UK to offer collection service at corner shops
Don't get sued or cuffed on Twitter: Read these top 10 pitfalls
So should comedians be locked up?
You know there are two issues here:
1. The obvious is freedom of speech. And if you don't think it's an important point, think about the ramifications of no freedom of speech.
2. Those "high and mighty" "celebrities" growing a pair and ignoring what they don't like. Christ were they not called names at school? Am I not allowed to say that I think Nick Clegg is an idiot?
Sure there are a bucket loads of idiots on twitter. But it isn't against the law to be an idiot.
This is all about rich people and their PR companies trying to clamp down on the "image" they are fabricating to portray and nothing else. It isn't about anything else.
First full landing site and colour pictures back from Mars
RIM: Maybe we can't flog BlackBerrys, but would you like a jet?
CANNIBAL! Apple's 7.85in iPad will EAT 9.7in iPad sales
Google unveils Nexus 7 tablet, Android 4.1 and Nexus Q
Apple 15in MacBook Pro with Retina Display
"you still use optical drives? how quaint! please give my regards to 8 years ago"
8 years ago? I assume you were criticising Apple for having it on their notebooks as of about a week ago then? ;o)
Honestly, I also bet you hate Flash but before Apple criticised it, you had no opinion on it whatsoever.
Nothing like being told what to think #priceless
Apple confirms WWDC keynote for June 11
Apple orders 10in iPad, moles claim implausibly
BlackBerry 10 developer kit aims to unleash application tsunami
Metallic Glass iPhone 5 to battle pottery Samsung Galaxy S3
RIM: BlackBerry sales to US gov still on the rise
Twitter slams top five spammers with legal suit
Half of Apple fanbois would bank with the iPad titan
Testicle-boiling new iPad ignites fanboi fury
New iPad sales hit 3 million in first 4 days
Re: How is this measured?
Now we have to ask if you're being "thick"? Do you know what marketing even is? You think it's just a tv advert or a billboard poster? ;)
So you just believe everything Apple, or any other company tell you because you have no "link" or "evidence" that says otherwise then? They saw you coming ;)
Death to Office or to Windows - choose wisely, Microsoft
Re: The truth is iPad showed us
I was shown and was so happy with my MacBook Pro. Best thing I ever did... was sell it 18 months later. There is a life outside Windows, it has very high walls and you WILL do things their way ;)
I escaped... thank goodness.
Keep your cartoon GUI that hasn't changed for years, keep it and enjoy it. Though there's a life outside too y'know ;)
Sky flaunts F1 app with split-screen functions
Apple demands US ban on Samsung's Galaxy Nexus
Apple dishes out cheap, tasty Macs 'n slabs to staff
He singled out Apple because the article is about Apple... duh ;)
And just because everyone else uses Foxconn, doesn't mean Apple have to. The issue of suicides and working conditions remain for ALL companies using it. If you gave a shit you be writing to someone about it rather than criticising someone for bringing it up to begin with!
iPad users 'risk shoulder pain', say US gov, Microsoft boffins
This article about about tablets... was it written so the line: "an area almost completely dominated at the moment by Apple's iPad, selling in unbelievable numbers" could be inserted? When we mention cars do we talk about which car maker has sold the most? No... therefore this is just another excuse to say Apple Apple Apple...
RIM BlackBerry Bold 9790
2011's Best... Premium Tablets
Microsoft prepping Office for iPad?
Rumoured iPhone 5 'will have 4in screen' against Jobs' wish
But but...
Jobs said anything other that the iSomething was just too big? What will the bois do if this is true? *sigh* - I know, I know... it'll be the old "It's what he would have wanted". Or maybe a few leaked stories that he mentioned it just before he died. That'll do the trick. Any excuse to make the $$$ coming in from the imprisoned disciples. Their credit cards are poised and their position is already assumed.
Naked vegans target Prince Harry over meaty 12-incher
Steve Jobs' last words: 'OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.'
TomTom Go Live TopGear Edition
Jobs was 'working on future product day before he died'
BlackBerry stumbles to feet, full of apologies
iPhone 4S pre-orders obliterate sales records
The life and times of Steven Paul Jobs, Part One
What's not in the iPhone 4S ... and why
iPhone 5 a no-show at Apple's 'Let's talk iPhone' event
Apple staff in UK told to cancel holiday in early October

Being good at marketing makes marketing invisible because you're thinking about the product. How can a story about staff being told to cancel holiday be 'good' marketing? Are you really excited by this story? Apple's marketing is a great comedy. I don't 'not like it', I laugh at it and enjoy mocking it :p