Blue Ray is already Winning
Judging by sales in the States and Europe. Blue Ray is already leading in sales. Blue Ray meets the capacity needs of the Gamer and of Theater watcher. Blue Ray player already cost £199 , HD DVD having to give away films to get you to buy it. If true though that customers are confused. But this time Betamax is goner win. Microsoft are clever and foolish at the same time. Xbox 360 has a usb HD DVD but could have a Blue Ray later if needed. Again Microsoft are taking the backwards step. This isnt having ago at people yes, HD DVD and Blue Ray Media, does cost more than it should. But its the quality of audio, capacity and content that will end the war. At the moment a major film studio decided to go with on HD DVD and now is working on a dual splatter, one side Blue Ray and the other HD DVD. Because of dripping Sales. Lets be honest Blue Ray sounds better , right down to the packaging.