Shades of Vietnam
This video only shows our Afghan involvement is in the shadow of Vietnam.
221 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jan 2010
You might think that Windows is secure, yet still, the vast overwhelming majority of viral infections are in Windows computers. It is a rare case that ether Linux or MAC OS are infected for whatever reason. It makes good business sense to use a non-MS OS. I use ether Linux or MS on my computers. The file server is Linux and so is my personal computer. The only computers that have had problems had MS on them. Go figure.
Unless the music and motion picture industry realize that they too, must change, no progress will ever be made. Copyrights up to 120 years actually cause the works to be repressed rather than preserved. A simple 20 year copyright will allow the industry to make a profit, yet by allowing these works to eventually go into the public domain, they will be preserved. Many motion pictures are never re-released and slide off into obscurity.
Also, in the 60's, when I bought a record, I had the right to recorded it to my tape recorder or whatever media I chose. These people will have to allow me to take music off of my notebook and put it on cd or do whatever I want as long as I don't redistribute.
The recording industry is going to have to wake up and negotiate. Or there will be a wholesale rebellion against all copyright laws. Just look at whats happening now!
Actually patent laws can be a good thing. But they won't work when you two corporations that control almost the entire computer industry. These laws were never designed to promote monopolies. As long as these software companies control almost everything, any software created outside of their organizations is a direct threat to them. If they are successful in this patent fight, Linux is next on there list of things to be destroyed
Both the copyright and patent laws are going to have to be rethought out. Works, such as commercially produced movies, currently have a 120 year copyright and companies exist that patent every idea that they think of, even though they never produce or care capable of producing a product. The framers of the US Constution never intended for this to happen! The arts are hurt as many older movies are never produced again. The only revenue that they generate is that produced by the recording industry going after the little guys in their copy right sweeps of the Internet. These movies, rather that being remembered, are often forgotten. The patent companies create patients for non-existent products that they don't have any idea how to create!
Change these rules, in the name of fairness, to limiting copyrights and patents to 20 years and a patent can only be issued for a product that has been designed and produced!
I have been a programmer/systems analyst since the 70's. Originally no software was considered to be not patentable. The parasites then, via courts and legislation, made software patentable. I remember Bill Gates getting ticked off because people were copying MS-Dos diskettes, yet he essentially stole MS-Dos (not actually stealing like Apple essentially stole GUI from PARC, but paid a unrealistically low price for it). This greed has to stop. There can only be only so many bottom feeders (like Apple) on the software development chain before the whole thing collapses.
But extending copyright protection to cover every copyrighted piece to eternity, that destroys any incentive of people not to download works. The Wizard of OZ should not be under copyright protection period. IF this corporate greedy mentality were extended to patients, there would be no such thing as generic drugs. By locking so called works of art up forever, that will aid in creating a further class difference between the rich and the poor. Finally, why should tax payers pay so that these corporate stooges can keep a cheap movie under raps for ever? As for me, I could not care less about file suckers and what they do. Who knows, maybe someone will eventually wake up
Everyone seems to be in a stir about so called file sharing. But the recording industry is also part of the problem. The recording industry has lobbied Congress (US) many times to get copy right extensions. With the Sony Bono Copy Right Extension (1998), the copy right on movies has been extended to 120 years in some cases. Virtually every movie produced by a movie studio is now copy righted. In essence, there is no public domain for copy righted works. These extension laws were designed to preserve works of art, but they only serve to allow the recording industry to bury their movies and music forever. Until the recording industry is willing to compromise with the public (things like limiting the length of a copy right to 25 or 30 years maximum), they will have little success in fighting file sharing. All of the draconian laws to stop file sharing will fail. All that will be produced is a hot war between the public and the recording industry. Greed can only go so far
I have been using Linux since the early 90's. I have used Slack, Redhat, Debian and others. Linux has been a pain in the butt until Ubuntu came out. I remember having to hunt for drivers (praying that none were Win), recompile the kernel, update the X86 configuration files just to get distro working and the Xserver to work. I remember having to hunt all over the net just trying to satify all of the dependencies just trying to get GNU Cash to work on slack. I use Ubuntu 9.10. I briefly gave up on Linux when I updated a distro and had to re-do everyting. Someone gave me a copy of 9.10
(ubuntu) and it made me, again, a believer in Linux. With its ease of installation (the printer, sound card, video card and xwindows actually worked after the install without messing with configuration files and looking for drivers). I can easily add applications without worrying about dependencies.
All I got to say is that in my book, shuttleworth is a hero in the fight against oppressive licensing, bloat, and ultra-greedy operating system developers (un-named). Keep up the good work
It take more than an anti virus package to keep a computer clean. How can the little guy who has little resources and inadequate knowledge fight viruses when it is obvious that large corporations, with unlimited resources and a high level of technical skill, cannot fight these viruses and bot-nets.