* Posts by henrydddd

221 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jan 2010


Apple, Samsung begin battle for billions in US patent smackdown


Re: If I were King of the world.

In all probability, if Apple wins, it will be the death of the Android, and all alternatives to Apple products in the tablet and smart phone field.

@UnSteveDorkland Twitter satirist faces 4 charges in US court


Re: Thats odd

As conservatives and the 1 percent gain power in the US, it could end up a federal crime saying anything against

anyone on the upper 1 percent or is conservative.

Samsung: 'Apple's proto-iPhone Jony is a Sony phone phoney'


Re: No photoshop

What do you suggest that Samsung do ? Make their smart phones round instead of rectangles?

Microsoft Azure goes titsup across Western Europe



If da cloud biz goes bad for Microsoft, and da Windows 8 goes south, Microsoft can always regain their fortunes by firing all of their engineers and hiring lawyers and becoming the largest patent troll in the world

Microsoft unfurls patent lasso, snares Linux servers


Re: I think I'd have been tempted to switch...

It will be something trivial. Microsoft has just seen how successful Apple has been with law suits using generic patents, they are probably going to try to do the same! Both companies are seeing that the pro big business United States is NOT going to enforce any anti-trust laws against them, there will be no end of this kind of thing. Apple's generic patient can be used to shut down a toaster manufacturer (rectangle in shape with rounded corners and uses a slide to open). As these companies become more confident that their patent trolls will be successful, we could be eventually be living in a world where Microsoft will be the only thing you can use on your pc and Apple will be the only smart phone/tablet that you will be legally allowed to own.

Apple wins EU-wide Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 ban

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Time flies

Just one more reason that I won't ever let an Apple product in my house!

Microsoft pops preview of 'biggest, most ambitious' Office yet

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Re: a BIG ask!

Maybe they need to include a cloudy version of Xbox 360 with their new office. You can have access to all Xbox 360 games. So by providing games, Facebook, and Skype, you will have a happy but slightly unproductive workforce. There will be a lot of atta boys to the IT department of major corporations for providing these nice benefits to their employees.

Microsoft sets the price for a Windows 8 upgrade at $40


Re: I upgraded from Win 7 to openSUSE...

I am running Ubuntu on 3 computers and I haven't had any problems with drivers. As far as Metro is concerned, I guess I can't play all the games that Windows can, but then I don't have to log into Windows live to play solitaire on my Ubuntu machines

Apple wins US ban on Samsung's Galaxy Tab 10.1


Re: Pffft...

I am sitting in a room with 10 pc's. Some are Gateways, some Dells, and one Sony. They all look about the same (rectangle shape) and do essentially the same function. Perhaps if I patent a box shaped device that functions like a computer, I could shut down every computer maker in the world. I wonder how many of Apple's millions(billions) went into the pockets of corrupt US politicians.

Personally, because of this, I will never allow an Apple product into my house!

Assange takes refuge in Ecuadorian embassy

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Re: Poor Choice!

If he gets shipped to the USA, he will be immediately sent to GITMO and never heard from again.

Windows is the OS of the cloud, says Microsoft


Windows is the OS of the Cloud

Anything you say dear.

Apple-Moto patent gripe almost thrown out the door

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It looks like Apple will have to start focusing on producing a more competitive product instead of suing everyone and his dog over patent issues. This could be the rebirth of a new Apple computing which produces innovative products like Apple used to be.

Windows 8: Not even Microsoft thinks businesses will use it


Re: not new coke

"Time to bet on an "Enterprise Edition" sometime early next year, perhaps?"

Who knows. Maybe Windows 9 Alpha will roll out next month.

Microsoft to devs: Don't ruin Win 8 launch with crap code


Re: Microsoft to devs: Don't ruin Win 8....

I detect the distinct scent of fear by MS in this article.

125,000 Ubuntu PCs to land in Pakistani students' laps


Re: I just wonder

First of all, if they have the intelligence to take Linux off of their computer, they would probably want to keep Linux on. Secondly, if they have the (big) bucks to afford a purchased copy of a Windows produce, they don't need a free computer period. Thirdly, Linux, in my opinion, is superior to Windows. Corporations know it.

Spy under your car bonnet 'worth billions by 2016'


Re: Before anyone says "here comes big brother"...

I wonder when the first car that ends up stalled on the freeway because of a DDOS attack?

Indiana cops arrest violent 6-year-old


Re: The good old days when a quick smak fixed 99% of the se problems.

Quick smacks might be part of the reason that this child is so angry. All hitting does is create anger. The US seems to be headed back to the days where small children were brutalized or even killed because of a bahaviorial problem. Funny, people instinctively know that if you beat a vicious dog, it will only make him more vicious, yet we sometimes advocate beating children who have behaviorial problems will solve those problem. Sure, if the kid was 12 years old, arrest him and make him serve time in 'juvy'. But that child is only 6. He needs intervention in his life by professionals, not beatings.

Windows 8 diet exposes Microsoft's weak ARM


Re: Why do I want Win 8?

One day I will give up my Windows 3.11 for Xp


Re: Why do I want Win 8?

Yeah. I will bet that MS will put something like this in Windows 8

1. Enter cmd.exe at the run prompt

2 Enter sudo apt-get install windows7-session-fallback

3. ur done.

If they did this, there would be no problem.

Microsoft to bake Windows 8 in three flavours


Re: 3 versions...

Just in case you haven't seen it, do a Google search on windows rg and check it out.


Re: 3 versions...

IF Windows RT doesn't work out, they could rename it to windows RG (real good)

Republicans shoot down proposed ban on Facebook login boss-snoop

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Re: You don't need new laws

This vote was completely predictable. The Republicans in the US are of the upper one percent, by the upper one percent, and of the upper one percent. They will side with money and management over the workers one hundred percent of the time.

Shuttleworth: Ubuntu rockets up at enterprises


Re: Fair enough

if you don't like the Unity desktop in 12.04, you can change it to whatever you want. ie

sudo apt-get install xfce4 or gnome-session-fallback, or to the kdesktop. Also, according to Kubuntu, it will be around for a while. I am posting this from a 12.04 Gnome desktop in a VM.

Ubuntu 12.04 hits beta, brings smooth Unity for marching masses


Re: meh

I am running 12.04 alpha on a VM. I really didn't like the Unity desktop so I immediately changed it to the Gnome. Although this version of Gnome is not as flexible as 2.x, it is useable. I am using this alpha version to get to know 12.04 before I put it on my server. It is really easy to change the desktop. As long as Ubuntu supports this easy change, I think that they will have a winner. When I first started using Linux,

(early Slack) I was using Unix at my work, so learning Linux wasn't as bad as it could have been. I didn't even use a desktop. I used programs like nn, rn, lynx, mail, tin, pine, to do my internet surfing. In short, although a desktop is nice, whether it is Unity Gnome, or for that matter KDE, Xfce or what ever, I can make it work for me. I do 99 percent of my server configuration using a Bash shell anyway. Ubuntu is still the easiest Linux that I have ever used and thats what counts with me. Instead of wasting hours of making an operating system work, I now spend my time using that operating system

Death to Office or to Windows - choose wisely, Microsoft


Re: "Windows is dead."

The real problem comes from the fact that Microsoft now realizes that changing technology might make the desktop or laptop obsolete. When Ipad or Android tablets have the same power as a pc and docking stations are used which allow the tablet to use a regular keyboard and monitor and provide USB and other services, pc's will be history. So will mainline windows. Yes, X86 pc like units will exist for server farms and large enterprise solutions, the pc will be dead. When you can plug your portable IPAD or android into a docking station and it functions as a pc, why buy a large pc? In essence, the tablet will be the new pc of the future.

Apple goes to European Commission with complaint about Motorola


Re: Re: How in hell can "standards-essential patents" exist?

I wonder how much R and D was involved in inventing swiping a screen?

IT guy answers daughter's Facebook rant by shooting her laptop


Tough love for a teenager sometimes works better than a penitentiary when they grow up.

Study links dimwits to conservative ideology



I live in a conservative town dominated by conservative politicians. And I have always known that conservatives are nothing but a pack of morons. This is not news, it is just a statement of commonly known fact.

America abandoning DSL in favour of faster cable


Devil's question

Why all of this need for speed if people are not downloading copyrighted content such as movies (blue ray?). Streaming of movies work great with both cable and DSL. Just a question

Google grabs yet more patents from IBM war chest


I can just hear it

person - help, my house is burning down and three people are trapped in it

Smart phone - Before this call can be made, you must listen to a 5 minute commercial on weenie enhancement. To improve your love life...........



I can just see the following article in the reg this year:

In 2012, the smartphone is now extinct. A judge ordered a stop to all smart phones world wide because every one was stepping on every one elses patients.

This is sad

Apple gets patent for ‘unlock gesture’



While they are at it, Apple should get a patent on their 5 seconds to bypass the password method on Ipad 2

Microsoft trousers yet more royalties from Android gear


Reply to post: @AC (10:48 GMT)

With secure boot on the horizon and the fact that M$ could start going after the Linux distros, the future of open source is questionable. The war needs to be fought now or you will be living in a world totally controlled by M$

FSF takes Win 8 Secure Boot fight to OEMs


Syren Baran "At the end of the day, the customer is in control of their PC" → #

we will probably have a web site for PC's at http://www.jailbreakme.com



The way that this type of attack can be thwarted is to put a physical switch on the motherboard or hard drive that will not allow the boot record to be modified unless that switch was set.

Ubuntu daddy bets on desktop polish, ARM clouds



At first I hated 11-10. I put it on one of my machines one night and was discouraged by everything. Then the next day, I put it on a virtual machine and played with it a bit. I got it working the way I want. I put synaptic on it and changed to software sources a bit. I finally got my Debian packages to install. It is livable. On the other hand, the desk top is still as irritating as can be.

Jobs: 'I'll spend my dying breath destroying Android'


sad patent laws

If they had the same patent/copyright system when the car was invented, Ford would be the only car you could find on the road. All other cars look similar to Fords and have about the same shape.

Apple cofounder Steve Jobs is dead at 56



He was Apple. He will be missed

GNOME emits 'head up the arse' desktop update


I moved from 11.04 to 10.04 LTS.. I believe in my heart that Canonical is doing the best job it can with difficult situation of Gnome and Unity being their only logical choice.

Red Hat engineer renews attack on Windows 8-certified secure boot


Most Linux people do. Also, corporations who use Linux have people who can read a motherboard manual and set a switch


pure greed plain and simple

From an engineering standpoint, this who concept of a secure boot can be handled from a hardware change. If you have a switch ether on the motherboard or a jumper on a hard drive that when set, the mbr cannot be written. In the early 90's, motherboards had a bios switch which (in the bios setup there was on option of lot letting the Master Boot Record to be updated), when set would accomplish almost the same thing (like not letting malware update the mbr). I often was thwarted in installing an operating system when the words "an attempt to update the master boot record has been made" and I would ether have to go to the bios setup screen or answer a question "do you wish to proceed?". Some might complain that malware might reflash the bios, but a switch on the MB or disk drive would eliminate that worry.

Considering how MS, Apple and others have attacked Linux, and Andriod, it should be painfully obvious that MS is using this approach to totally control the user. MS does not want a repeat of their mobile phone falling off the map. If you are a Windows user, you might just ignore this, but you also might have a few problems installing Windows 9 on a computer with Windows 8.

Neil Armstrong: US space program 'embarrassing'


no wonder

The reason that the space program is lagging is that smart bombs, weapons of war, war, and new tanks are the priority of the US, not space exploration. Sad

MS denies secure boot will exclude Linux


just as bad

The contrapositive is also true. If a motherboard does not use Microsofts secure boot, that mother board will not support windows. Something that a motherboard manufacturer does not want to happen. Folks wske it, look at who is behind this standard (apple, Microsoft, etc). It is an open war against Linux and the bad guys just might win if this standard is approved.

Windows 8 secure boot would 'exclude' Linux



Instead of assuring only windows will be allowed to boot, why not lock up the boot sector with a switch that has to set. For the consumer who in smart enough to install a new operating system, setting that switch will be no real big deal. Unless this switch is set, it will be impossible to modify the boot record. Just a thought



I wonder if MS will try to get the law changed so that, like Sony, it will be illegal to put Linux on your pc?



If Microsoft succeeds in this (I wonder how many millions or billions will change hands), I hope that the hackers in this world make life a living hell for windows products on the internet.

Hunt: Online file-sharing is a 'direct assault on freedoms'



Being fairly rewarded might mean the money that the music industry gets by having the RIAA sue a 7 year old girl for downloading a mp3 file.

Malware burrows deep into computer BIOS to escape AV



Since re-flashing the bios is a rarely occurring event, why don't motherboard manufactures put a switch that has to be set in order for the bios to be flashed. End of problem.

Apple plan to rate shops etc by number of iPhones visiting

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Improving search methods belongs in an engineering lab where results can be objectively verified, not by using all of their customers to gather data for the commercial purpose of rating businesses. For the most part, the vast majority of Iphone users are not aware that this is occurring without their consent. I am sure that most Register readers are aware, but how many Iphone owners are there that don't read the Register?

Ohio man cuffed for shagging inflatable pool raft



Maybe the raft seduced him.
