tis better to stop, then land, than to land, then stop
"'tis better to stop, then land, than to land, then stop"
Except when what you're landing on is moving at 30 knots into a 20 knot wind.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 22 May 2007
By Stu: "No more ego manic d8ckheads flying in cable cars. No more "heat of battle excuse" friendly fire. No them or us decisions."
Are you kidding? The latency and lack of situational awareness involved in flying a machine 6000 miles away means (a) reaction times are far longer (b) friendly fire incidents will increase. Communications with ground controllers will go to shit:
GC - "Bravo Flight this is ground control. I have you in sight. We are to to your west. Target is at our front. Do you see our position off your left?"
Drone Driver - "To my left? Dude, all I see is Bill getting a lap dance for his 21st! I think he's about to fire his load..."
Yeah, I'm not really sure what the hype is about having a random ounce or two of your ashes visit near-space. Sure, putting a vial containing the cremated remains of my eyeballs into orbit so I can "eternally watch over my descendants" is one thing, but having have my left nut spend 30 seconds at sub-orbital altitude is hardly a legacy.
Thinking about it though, why not put portions of your body into space while you're alive? I mean they can put detached body parts on ice and sew them back on these days, right? This would have practical benefits: "Hey babe, this finger has been to outer space and back...."