CEOP's function
Was to stop Scotland Yard and the FBI doing what would have been most sensible, and collecting the modems of the List 99 referrals. The entire point of CEOP was to give the impression of X ( competent strategic policing) whilst ensuring Y ( the FBI, RCMP, Interpol etc.) had to send the latest list of net-prowling British teachers to CEOP first. By the way, that is also one of the reasons Britain does not have a dozen teachers in the dock at the same time, CEOP breaks it all up into hard to see criminal case packages. For e.g. it was suspected that one school in Humberside had more teachers having sex with kids than teavhers who were giving the same activity a miss. It took years for the Brits to concede the school was little better than a brothel for children. However the same school was lighting up the internet with pervasive offending. Where was CEOP? Jim Gamble's job was to detect as little as possible. CEOP were not really a police agency. They were smoke and mirrors for a country where child protection was in meltdown.