* Posts by esucmn

11 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jan 2010

Of course you can text and call while driving – it's perfectly safe


"Encryption and digital signatures help stop parts being replaced with malicious counterfeit components, improving driver safety and protecting from malware embedded in non-authorised equipment, for example."

Meaning no third party suppliers, otherwise known as a cartel. And when they don't want to supply parts after 5 years, you have to buy a new one...

Blah blah usual DRM bullshit. I'm hanging on to my real car.

Legalising London's bed-hopping economy is POINTLESS


Local goverment

"We are worried about the lack of consultation on these proposals, and the results from the recent survey undertaken by London Councils show that the move is not really what many London local authorities want."

Bugger what the people might or might not want - Local Government in a nutshell.

"I do not think for a second that [fining people] is what local authorities are doing,"

But they bloody well will be now that someone's told them they can. More money to piss away on things *they* want!

Smart meters in UK homes will only save folks a lousy £26 a year


Re: How do these thing save money?

They don't - they cost you money. About £80/yr in fact (assuming a 5 year obsolescence which seems likely due to the inevitable security issues)

New voting rules leave innocent Brits at risk of SPAM TSUNAMI


Self serving bastards

The government working for its own ends rather than those of the citizens? Nah - that'd never happen....

May: UK data slurp law is fine, but I still need EMERGENCY powers

Big Brother

Why it was urgent?

So she could rush it through without too many questions of course! The woman's a menace. More so than the rest of them, which is saying something.

Steelie Neelie 'shocked' that EU tourists turn mobes off when abroad

Thumb Down

How can she be shocked?

Or has she forgotten that not everyone earns a politicians wage, with an expense packet? About time someone did something about the costs though.

Men most likely to friend dodgy Facebook strangers


How's a man to know?

"there could be one real 19-year-old cutie who happens to look great in a bikini and just wants to be your friend. How's a man to know?"

Cos she wouldn't add me!

Sony seeks 'universal console controller' patent


Will sony ever sell them?

Course not - they just want to make sure nobody else does without paying them large sums of money!

Spanish towns vie for nuclear dump prize


Re: easy solution... for that waste

Until the rocket blows up on the launch pad.... whoops!