The iSlate will be a big iPod Touch, and therefore commercially sound!
Have you considered the possibility that the iSlate will be a large iPod touch, with an *optional* sim card slot? I use my iPod touch primarily as a mini-tablet at home over my wifi network specifically for the "consumption" of the internet. A larger, more powerful alternative would be welcome.
However, I disagree with the article. I've not found myself less likely to comment or post or whatever when using my iPod - you quickly get used to the rather good soft keyboard. A larger version would only encourage use even more.
Further, whilst *mobile* versions of youtube may not allow comments, the iPod/iPhone version does - with a great big obvious button, and an rating and commenting interface designed specifically with that OS in mind. Then there's a whole host of Apps designed to make twitter and blogging easier. Heck, twitter really took off when the iPhone came out.
So yeah, nonsense article. The iSlate, like the iPod and iPhone, will only make these "Web 2.0" apps even more appealing to the masses. I really hate the term "Web 2.0". It's as bad as "FAIL" and should be banned.