* Posts by YankDownUnder

1 publicly visible post • joined 26 Jan 2010

Oil companies hit by 'state' cyber attacks, says report


Double Edged Situation here...

One is that "natural resource" corporates are targeted - this is always to be expected - especially since "he who owns the most resources controls the rest" - as it were. Second is that this is a perfect means by which to not only use China (the New Russian Threat) as the Foe - thereby causing much more irritation towards any Chinese-based interests, but also to impose, world-wide, a means by which to "legally" restrict the internet, or use the internet against the rest of the world - however it is seen fit. This, then, allows countries like the US to further impose on the rest of the world -especially the developing countries - THEIR legal ethics/values/desires (especially in copyright/patent/IP - ask Costa Rica!) - but also to allow companies, say for instance, like Microsoft, a much larger voice against competition (linux especially). Yep. Clear as mud.