* Posts by StevieB

16 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jan 2010

When product names go bad: Microsoft's Raymond Chen on the cringe behind WinCE


My issue is with certain kitchen appliances, I watch too much Red Dwarf and the name is very proudly displayed.

I cant even..., not in my kitchen!

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it a giant alien space cigar? Whatever it is, boffins are baffled


Probing questions must be asked!

According to this,


it comes pre-lubed for your pleasure!

Top cop: Strap Wi-Fi jammers to teen web crims as punishment


Re: Just wondering....

Well, it may be, but I don't think that's the reason.

All the styli I've seen are metal with a conductive rubber tip and serve just to extend your body to a more pointy maneuverable shape.

Use your head, it might work!

NB I just tried holding one with a rubber glove and it failed to function at all.


Just wondering....

Remember a while back, we were going to have personal networks connected by high frequency electric fields conducted through our skin.

Is there any way this could be adapted to make using a capacitive touch screen difficult?

Might do wonders for the proper desktop PC market and resurrect Blackberry as a "bonus".

Flying Spaghetti Monster is not God, rules mortal judge


Too slow -- again

Was about to say - should get this judge on a few Scientology cases, "as a parody, is designed to look very much like a religion” and therefore worthy of close consideration of how far religious freedoms extend" sounds like the right approach.

Let me PLUG that up there, love. It’s perfectly standaAAARGH!


A cunning schema

They say XML is like violence - if it's not working, you aren't using enough.

What a pain in the mass! Euro craft Rosetta to poke its probe in 10-BILLION-tonne comet


Comet chasing

I think the journey has been longer than 6 million km,

perhaps more like 6.4 Tm.

edit: Wow, submitting a correction works faster than posting a comment!!!

Now I feel a fool.

See icon.

Get ready for LAYOFFS: Nadella's coma-inducing memo, with subtitles


Re: "Hone in"?

Thank you, didn't know I could blame Bush though, that's a bonus.


You 'posted' a 'letter' with Outlook... No, NO, that's the MONITOR


Old Iron

Back in the early '80s on a banking system using 3270s, the original steel ones with the apparently cast iron keyboard. Screen said "Press PA1 to return". After 15 minutes of 'phone-in futility I realised I was hearing "clank, clank clank" instead of "clunk" when they keyed the response.

New US Apple factory will make INVINCIBLE sapphire glass for SHINY iThings


Re: Ditch the aluminium

Isn't it transparent aluminium oxide, which is annoyingly close!

Ahh! Beaten by a whisker.

The Germans are coming - Software AG borgs LongJump


When I was a lad!!

"application-development-as-a-service (ADAAS)"

Pity you couldn't get a B in there (ADABAS), I seem to recall Software AG having one they made earlier.

Deep-sea worm recalls Star Wars favourite


Re: "a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology...

U.S. Rep. Paul Broun: Evolution a lie 'from the pit of hell'

There's more than one!

I wonder if they are trying to take over and cancel science.

CERN boffins re-running neutrino speed test


Neutrinos are not photons.

They act in ways different to light. The ones causing all the problems have been fired through 730km of rock, the chances of them following an optical fibre are, I would suggest, slim to none.

Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation


Shared Memory

As I recall, the LPARs are managed by PR/SM and are fairly fixed divisions of the hardware. The VM operating system would then run in an LPAR and allocate those resources in a more dynamic, fluid way. Of course, I last did this in the late 80's/early nineties, all may have changed, as it does.

iSlate leaves fingerprints all over the net


My 2c

Me, me, me I know!!!!!

I think :- a giant 10 inch iPod touch with 256Gb of flash, a little stand to prop it up on a desk, iPhone Os with a shared application storage area, something like AirSharing Pro to put that on a network as a WebDav disk, iPhonied versions of Pages, Numbers and Keynote and lots and lots of Bluetooth to hook up with the existing wireless keyboard and Magic mouse (which I reckon with access to its secret workings could function a a standalone multitouch trackpad). At least that's what I want.

Apple's iPad - the tablet with the data center soul


My 2c

Me, me, me I know!!!!!

I think :- a giant 10 inch iPod touch with 256Gb of flash, a little stand to prop it up on a desk, iPhone Os with a shared application storage area, something like AirSharing Pro to put that on a network as a WebDav disk, iPhonied versions of Pages, Numbers and Keynote and lots and lots of Bluetooth to hook up with the existing wireless keyboard and Magic mouse (which I reckon with access to its secret workings could function a a standalone multitouch trackpad). At least that's what I want.