* Posts by Philbradley

6 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jan 2010

Queuing for an iPad? Why?


Quick question or two...

How long have you played with one for? And by that, I mean, held in your hands, at your desk, or out and about, or (gasp) in front of the television? How many does El Reg have? How many of your colleagues actually use them?

Spotify adds Web2.0rhea


Really, it's not hard.

If you don't like using the new functionality... *then don't use it*. How hard is that to understand?

Who ate all the iPies?


Yes, but...

Firstly, it's not a phone. Quite why you'd think it was a phone defeats me, since (and this is the crucial bit)... it doesn't have a phone attached to it. People who already have a laptop probably are going to have limited interest, I agree. But again, (and this is the crucial bit), it's not trying to be a laptop.


Your comments are far from my experience...

And then you realise that you've missed the last 30 minutes of the movie and need to go back and watch it again.


Just.... no.

Clearly they're not attempting to replicate the iPhone. Firstly because they already have a very successful product in that, so why bring out their own competition, and secondly *because the iPad doesn't have a phone*. You'd be better off trying to make the case against the iTouch, since it's more akin to that particular product.

"Hardcore fans seem disappointed". Do they? I've seen plenty of articles where people are wetting themselves over this piece of kit, and I've seen people saying that it's going to kill the Kindle (which I think is quite likely), and that it's going to replace the PC (which is mild insanity).

I agree that it's missing functionality, but what interests me is why did they go to the extent of actually showing that it didn't work with Flash there and then on the screen? That's a more interesting question, because I don't think they did anything in their presentation that wasn't meant. They could add Flash, like they could (and finally did) add copy and paste. I suspect that this will either come later, or they're waiting until the new OS comes out to have something specific to announce there.

No multitasking - I wonder at the extent that most people actually are going to want it - other than to play music while they're working on something. I don't believe that the iPad is aimed at you, or me either, and for most people, this isn't going to be too much of an issue. Besides, if people want to listen to music they'll already have a music player of some sort.

Given the tenor of your article I'm suprised that you haven't mentioned the lack of a camera. I don't particularly think it needs one of those either - though a webcam is a different matter. Besides if people want to take photographs they'll already have a camera of some sort.

What about the potential as an eBook reader? I'd be interested in your opinion on that. And the keyboard issue, plus the requirement for associated add on kit. How about costs? How about 3G and how/if we're supposed to take out new contracts on top of iPhones and dongles. How about the potential or otherwise to knock out something like the EEE? How about the relationship between this and print media? I don't want to read about fat middle aged men, I want to read about your take on how this will change the industry (one way or another). Tell your editors to just leave you alone and let you write stuff!!

Can the iSlate kill off Web 2.0?


Well done Bill!

You've not only written something that I'm forced to reply to (hence registering with this creation) it's probably the first thing you've written that I've ever disagreed with 100%.