* Posts by Adam

7 publicly visible posts • joined 22 May 2007

Google's Android Market accepts price tags


Google's Cut

Whilst it's probably a pretty modest amount, Google are making on requiring developers to accept Google Checkout.

Nowhere near as much as St. Jobs is taking but they are making a small amount!

Google Analytics crippled by autoimmune disease




The only reason I can think of under the DPA is sending the information outside of the EU....

Software copyright inspection powers used for first time


Bloody Hell!

Running a sotware business I understand the importance of protecting your IP but how about I tell trading standards that my competitor is running unlicenced software just before the next trade show...... It'll send them under!

Unencrypted traveler data laptop disappears then reappears

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"Have to hack two passwords"

Two options:

1.) It's not been found - it's easier for them to lie to me

2.) It has been returned by the thief. How on earth can they tell it wasn't compromised!

I bet they're using a bog standard laptop with a 2.5'' HDD in it and not even stickers over the screws.

Simple job of unscrewing the laptop, pop the drive into another machine and image it - then put it back in.

Any system logs wouldn't even show a boot since it was stolen so it would look like it hadn't been touched.

Mr BadMan now has all your data and can do what he likes with it - do these people think we're all as dumb as they are..............

BOFH: The PFY's comeuppance

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Great :-)

BOFH is finally getting back to the funny standards of yesteryear - keep up the good work!

ISP reporting network to pierce bandwidth smokescreens


38.8 Modem

Anyone else *not* remember these?

I'm sure I've never had one either!

Mars: more evidence of a watery past



Anyone here ever hear of Beagle?

Nope, don't know what you're going on about old chap!

*Walks off whistling*