Re: Title is too long
Here's some low-hanging fruit for him: they can improve my late 2011 Bravia right away with the decent firmware update they should have given me a year ago.
18 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jan 2010
Just to point to one place - an enormous amount of eLearning content on and off the web still is in Flash. YouTube propelled video to top of the Flash application charts - unfortunately overshadowing all the richly interactive applications of Flash that HTML5 remains some distance from matching.
'lean' - I assume you mean running lean, but one thing they were very good at was lean downloads (of the player!) - that's how they got onto those close-to 100% distribution figures. Became a pain in later versions with a separate text framework that needs downloading by the client (done in the background, blocked by aggressive firewalls); but their small plug-in download with a clear version path is why it was such a great development target - particularly if you compare it to shockwave or java.
Here - I've found it, and not only that, there are two IFs here - the one you can see, and the one the non-compliant browser doesn't...
<!--[if !IE]><!--> This ain't IE! <!--<![endif]-->
If anyone bothers to vote on this post, then judging by the rest of this board, it'll likelier than not be a dogmatic down-vote. But the point at the top of the 'Err' thread is not that to learn HTML is to learn to code - but that it's a good place to start.
I think this is exactly what I'd want from a netbook. Years ago I had a desktop mac and a windows laptop – what I wanted to do was flick open the laptop when I wanted to do something quickly in email or on the web; but I very rarely did because I knew I faced a slew of updates and syncs before I could get going, and the longer I postponed, the worse that got. Instead I only used it when I needed Windows.
I don't mind administering my main machine, but I'll happily let someone look after my netbook. I guess I'd want Skype, though.
Most of this functionality existed in MyRail Lite, which at the time of forced withdrawal, was a free ap. As I recall, the developers eventually intended to charge (as you say, for the functionality, not the data) - hence the 'lite' moniker. The £4.99 ap, (at least when I saw it), was in functionality terms, essentially a copycat ap.
that's the real point, isn't it? There was a great scene in Avatar where some of our heroes were in a small prison cell. They were in a deep plane, while some guards were much further forwards, and so couldn't hear the prisoners' whispered conversation. I didn't see how it worked in 2D, but it struck me as great and innovative use of 3D for the story-telling - and that kind of thing will happen more as everyone involved becomes more comfy with the technology (including the audience).
Boltar, and everyone else who posts this stuff; how much do we need to wade through? Seriously, every story about Facebook?
You may want to medicalise the motivations of the enormous number of entirely ordinary people who use Facebook; but it's blindingly obvious that for the most part they use it alongside living a healthy life. Do you know that many more people, representing a broader cross-section of humanity, use Facebook than post on the Reg with flame icons (or, indeed, reply to such posts)?
I, and many others here, are interested in Facebook's security issues for a whole host of reasons. This being the Register, one of those is because we develop apps for the site; I imagine others are interested in the security issues as it impinges on the network and users they manage.
So please - please - can you avoid sinking all Facebook threads under this kind of garbage? Since you can't be posting here either for reasons of egocentrism or HPD, perhaps you can look on the ream of similar comments that have been posted on this board for years as having sufficed to get across the point of view you represent.
You know, I feel a bit like I'm on Wired when I feel the need to log in just to vote someone down. I recommend, however, that the author of this post reads what yesterday's mail ingeniously called a 'Nazi Smear':
Or as the Guardian sub rather more straightforwardly called it at the time: Don't mention the war. Grow up.
I see you're all from the US and so the South Park reference is obviously it - but for what it's worth:
In British English fag has two slag meanings I don't think it has in the US, and neither has anything to do with homosexuality or South Park.
The one you all know about is cigarette; the other is anything which is a pain in the neck to do, because it takes time or is boring or tricky. Having to click through nine screens of browser set up, or then choose a browse on the ballot screen, both definitely qualify as 'a bit of a fag'.