T-class is dead to any new workloads
I cannot see anyone buying a T system that does not already have one and is not ready to migrate.
This announcement was pretty lame compared to Westmere and Power7
3.0GHz with OOO execution (Oracle is acting like out of order execution is a great new technology)
The T chips are about the only chips that don't have it. Even the old USIII's had it
Dedicated L2 128KB cache - wow that is almost big
Shared 4MB L3 cache - 4MB/8 cores has anybody done the math on Westmere or Power7 they should be ashamed of trying to be proud of this
8 cores with Private L2 Cache - lets repeat the prior statement to make it look important and just dumped down from 16 cores
"up to 5X the single threaded performance" I am guessing that is compared to T1? T2? can't possibly be compared vs. Xeon or Power cause I am betting it is 1/5th
The sparc Supercluster idea is pure marketing BS Peoplesoft and JD Edwards performance improved up to 8X? I didn't even think anyone had JDE on SPARC. I thought they killed that before Oracle bought Sun.
<1% virtualization overhead. Well when you pin the partitions to threads which are only on one CPU then yes there wont be much overhead, but then again there will not be much virtualization
Basically a smaller T chip (8 vs. 16 cores) and better threading with out of order and trying to re-announce the sparc version of Exa-crap cause no one would ever spend $20M for a sparc version
Thanks but we will stick with x86 and power for our infrastructure, pity the fools who have not seen the light and still buy this crap.
The only thing interesting is Oracle is finally bringing virtualization to the exadata solutions after almost 3 years...they really need to get a solution that can compete with vmware and powervm