Book burning
I hear there will be a Nation Wide book burning fenzy some time this summer, anything not meeting the current governments criteria will be burned in public places, bring your children for a lesson in democracy.
63 publicly visible posts • joined 22 May 2007
You all seem to be ignoring the millions of agency workers working for just above minimum wage, it has held down the avarage wage for the working man for the last 5-10 years. I'm not talking about qualified 'IT temps', bu t the people who put goods in the shops and food in your supermarkets.
Hopefully this will be the final nail in coffin for the leeches that are employment agencies
How many of these people who are adversely affected by the use of cannabis are acutally minors?
How many of the great British public would be outraged if they decided to make alcohol illegal because of teenagers were getting drunk at the weekend? Did I hear someone say 'you cant count alcohol as a drug' wtf not? Oh cos the government would loose too much revenue and the health service would collapse.
Simple answer, classify cannabis in the same group as alcohol, tax it and improve our national Health Service with the proceeds. It only needs some politicians with balls to do this but they wont cos they would loose the white middle class ignorant vote.
Teachers 1st eh?
What are they going to do when unions reccomend that members do not accept a new ID card, are county councils going to lay off all the teachers who decline the governemnts offer regardless of the fact that they have beenin the industry and for 10-20 years and have past already Police checks?
Its things like this that may make a life long labor voter turn blue!!!
I bet there is an asterix in the T&C somewhere.
Unlimited* downloads
You can chose from a vast library of poptastic tripe which you probably own anyway on CD when it was 1st written by a real artist way back in the dim and distant 90's.
You dont get jack fro free. Except the wonderful reg that is.
* 1 per month
I'm sure no2id will have a lot of supporters until the crown starts summoning people to give data. How many people were against the Poll Tax, and marched against it, but when it comes to actually standing up in court and being counted people loose thier nerve.
Has anyone worked how long it is going to take to take biometric readings from 60+ million people? Imagine if every songle person in the UK eligible for a UK passport all requested a new one on Jan 1st, how long do you think it would take for all our passport offices to recover?
Maybe if Mr Balls didnt keep changing the way that literacy is taught to youngsters every couple of years and let teachers teach we might have a different story.
Maybe, this is an outside chance here, but maybe if parents read with thier children rather than assuming that the only place a child gets educated is in school kids might be able to read C-A-T or spell thier own name by the time they start school.
No wonder kids grow up expecting everything and claiming its thier 'right' to have it all.
Parents are 100% to blame for a childs poor upbringing, not teachers, not schools, not government, not games makers not the internet.
The number of kids who fall behind during the early years of education simply due to the fact their parents are too busy to read with them, or talk to them is shocking. Its all too easy to farm them off to a child minder at 6am and have them delivered back at 9pm. The lame excuse of being too busy with work is just unacceptable, if you are too busy to look after your kids dont have kids! Simple.
Someone should do a study into the chemical inbalance that occurs in 95% of all new parents causing them to act irrationally and to pass all responsuibility of anything bad thier kids do onto the teachers or child minders, God forbid it has anything to do with the lack of a real parent being there.
*Rant over*
Didnt reven take my coat off.
Why dont we just have all new borns tatooed with a pre-designated N.I number, bank account info, DOB. This could be placed somewhere descreet, like on the forehead. There may be less chance of someone finding the information than if we leave it to the current powers that be to look after them.
The Arch with its 2Mb RISC OS on a chip, lots of shiney windows and colours and a mouse.
I never did fill my 80Mb (yes Mb) HDD I had on my old A3000.If it crashed it usualy meant you had spilled coffee into one of its air vents. It even worked with a Heathkit (?) home made 2800 baud modem!
I have been with nthell/virgin since they introduced flat rate 1p / min dial-up, and have had their top cable services since they were all introduced and a couple b4 they were released ( got a slap on wrists for that one). Anyway I have very rarely had problems with their service, I get 10-12Mb downstream thru their 20Mb service 100% of the time, I don’t hit 20Mb as the modem itself only has a 10Mb Ethernet port. As for the unlimited* downloads I think everyone knows its all utter BS and no ISP will offer you thier flat out speed 24/7, and if they do its probably only at 1Mb.
It all comes down the one word that is in most ISP terms & conditions, “acceptable” use.
Who defines what is “acceptable use” of an internet connection. In my books the words acceptable use kind of reverse the claim of unlimited downloads* (There is always a *)
It’s a bit like the speed claims they quote for their services, up to 20Mb* (With that * again)
The little * with small print enables them to get out of jail free for not providing you with the service you thought you were paying for.
I have never had any problems with virgin/nthell, apart from the odd court thread for 'customising' my modems speed restrictions. God bless the SB4100 and tftp.
Now since the 20Mb 'upgrade' I get about 20% extra speed on downloads 1400-1500K/sec and uploades have gone up to 90 odd k/sec. The second you hit 4.000000001Gb, boom there go's your connection until 2-3 days later.
I think many users must bnow be doing what I am, and queuing up 40 gig of downloads to start at 00:01 and stop at 15:59 every day, just to anoy NTL. Not even sure what I am downloading half the time, I never look at it, its more of a case of I am paying for this service so I am going to use it to its fullest.
It will probably take a gavenge of Gov. to get these farcical plan changed, and then they will just be exchanged with some even further right wing polotics. Imean just by posting here we have all got a little black flag (or red).
God forbid you ever protested against anything in your life or thats another blag flag, 5 flags and your a winner, free round the world trip thanks to the guys in the black sunglasses, who dont exist, and thier one off round the world rendition ticket....
People wonder why the tin-tanks get a hard time from the rest of the planet, and why everyone seems to take great pleasure in putting them down (not in a vetenary way, shame). It may, just may have something to do with the fact the you all 'appear' to be a bunch of arrogant tossers with no care for anything except your own self interests. Maybe its your foriegn pollicy, maybe its your reglious extremists and fundamentalist, maybe is your guns and murder rates (not linked at all) maybe its the fact that you wont do jack about the environment just incase it hurts big bussiness' pocket.
If everyone hates you there must be something in it, the whole planet cant be wrong......
..... most the the planet thinks the tin-tanks are 'kin nutts!
surely M$ made it possible fo rthis teacher to display pr0n on a computer, so shouldnt Bill be heading for jail for 40 years? Or the owners of the jpeg file type? Or the ISP? Or the governors of the school who employed her?