Article reads like a glorified footnote..
Man, talk about taking their press release and copying it!? I'll give you some pointers to amend the article. Ok 1. as Mo says in her comment strictly speaking Apple's Aperture competes with Adobe's Lightroom as opposed to Photoshop as it's more of an image management application than advanced editing suite.
2. You fail to mention the fact that Lightroom has seen much more frequent development and upgrades than Aperture. This is the first major update to Aperture in two years. As a result I wouldn't be too surprised if Apple has lost some of their customer base as a result.
3. A big change is the fact that Aperture is 64 bit which will no doubt made a significant difference to it's performance.
4. Another noteworthy addition to Aperture is its support for video manipulation without the need to launch iMovie or similar. This is something that Adobe hasn't added to Lightroom and neither do I think it likely they will do.
Rant over.