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5 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jan 2010

WIN a RockBLOCK Iridium satellite comms module



Last And Definitively Switched Mission Abort Gadget

Acorn’s would-be ZX Spectrum killer, the Electron, is 30


Ah the memories

I loved my Electron, despite ending up with it after a failed attempt to buy a BBC model A at the original price.

However I do blame it for reducing my 'O' level grades. Instead of studying, I spent my time trawling through the machine code of BBC games I'd acquired. Searching for delay loops & changing/removing them to make the games run at a decent pace on the Electron.

I seem to recall that my favourite of the time was Free Fall (http://www.iancgbell.clara.net/freefall/index.htm), although I still occasionally hum the tune from Frak!

Happy times.

Ubisoft forgets to ship activation codes for music game


Tale of woe

I waited for this game to come out in the UK, after being released in the US last year, so finally I might sit & learn on my somewhat dusty guitar.

My copy duly arrived from Amazon last Friday, the release date, sans activation key.

Ubisoft in fairness did get back to me by Saturday evening, with a useable key.

Sadly I'm also afflicted with owning a crappy old laptop, which it turns out isn't up to spec. for the game, so I'm still not able to play it. In hindsight, maybe I should've asked on the Ubisoft forums, after failing to find the required specs. on the Ubisoft site.

Oh well, at least it's an excuse to buy a new shiny machine.

2012 Olympic mascots cop a shoeing


They're sinking !

Is it just me, or do they look like they're sinking ?

Surely there's a metaphor in there somewhere.

Germans unveil robots 'controlled by chaos itself'


Almost human ?

Clearly showing it's human qualities there, since the picture clearly shows it putting it's foot through the ceiling, just like I did last year.

Will their next demonstration involve it falling off a ladder ?