<quote> But the code is reviewed by many eyes due to it being open source so it must be bug free?</quote>
Presumably that's how someone found it.
18 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jan 2010
You didn't mention that the Apple TV has Netflix. We signed up a couple of weeks ago after getting fed up with LoveFilm's unplayable disks and their insistence on moving to Silverlight for streaming. There is a lot of good content and it works well.
(No, I don't work for them!)
Am I the only happy LoveFilm customer?
We started with Amazon rentals and then went with LoveFilm when they took over. Amazon's was better than LoveFilm as you you could rank movies in the order that you wanted rather than in the crude high/medium/low priorities.
Renting is better than purchase for a lot of movies and TV series that you're only likely to watch once or twice ever. It's cheaper and you don't have the storage problems. It's not perfect but I don't think it's as bad as the other posters suggest.
BTW, 'Captain Underpants', you don't need Silverlight to stream from LoveFilm.
I bought an iPad when it came out. I use it every day for email, internet, news, twitter and as an ebook reader and it goes on holiday with us in the UK.
My netbook running Windows 7 gets turned on about once every three months and by the time it updates itself (Windows, Adobe, Firefox, AVG, etc.) then we have forgotten why we wanted it in the first place and turn it off again.
Four year old MacBook gets turned on five or six times a year when I want to do some browsing that needs a keyboard and mouse (e.g. holiday booking) and the main computer is busy or want a portable DVD player for the kids.
We must be an anomaly.
"I'm pretty sure he isn't the one complaining about having popped his cherry at 13 to an experienced older woman, so why would he be a victim?"
Turn it around and replace 'he' with 'she' and 'woman' with 'man' and you'll see what's wrong here.
You seem to assume that most males are always eager for sex while few females are - that may reflect your experiences but don't assume that it's universal.
It is self evident that most speed limits are set to balance the requirements of speed and safety of road users and those who live near roads. Anyone who exceeds speed limits in urban areas doesn't deserve the privilege of being allowed to drive a motorised vehicle.
One problem that is often overlooked is the deterrent effect that speeding vehicles have on others who would otherwise choose to walk or cycle.