Too PC?
To call this racism is a joke and an offence to what is really classed as racism. They might have had a good reason for their decision. PC has gone too far in this country and is turning everyone into aplogetic wimps.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Jan 2010
Dear Mossad,
You've been knocking people off for decades, surely you could have done a better job. You should have knocked him off in an area without CCTV and covered your tracks better. And what made you choose British passports, in future choose passports from some insignificant country like Albania or Molodova, better still just use fake Blockbuster cards as id. And using 11 agents is overkill particularly in this economic climate, James Bond is a lone wolf, use him in future or the team from Spooks, If they're busy try the Hustle team!
People hate it when a company becomes too big and too powerful. Google was great when it started out but now it has turned into this big monster that pisses all over everyones privacy. Microsoft were never this bad! Sure they sold a lot of crap but at least the consumer had a choice whtether to buy it or not!