Flowers? Seedy?
I see what you did there.
5 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jan 2010
Unless I'm mis-reading the article, unis aren't using Hotmail as their mail provider - it's an issue with Hotmail accounts not being able to send to uni email accounts, due to * being spamblocked. * seems to be fine (I've just checked), unless the problem's already been resolved.
At DeMontfort, the student/staff email accounts are using Gmail as the service, not Hotmail. Dunno if this is the case at the other unis mentioned.
He really was a bit of a scrotebag on Never Mind The Buzzcocks - the true test of whether you're a worthy person or not is whether you can roll with the jabs and have a bit of a laugh at yourself (like Basshunter, as much as I detest his music), or if you just throw a massive strop (and walk out like Preston).