Goodbye, W2K
You will be sorely missed.
Now, can we have a replacement? Can we PLEASE have a desktop OS for BUSINESS users? Crayola interfaces, even if they can be disabled are unprofessional and undesirable. I really don't need translucent window borders and crippled windows explorer. I don't need dump trucks worth of extraneous garbage loaded on top of the OS. I don't need buttons and menus to get moved around at random, hidden or made unusable every few years. And I really, really don't need to be forced to fundamentally change infrastructure just because some arbitrary period of time has gone by.
Can I please have an OS with a clean and utterly minimal interface, no extra garbage software loaded, proper and easy task automation (sorry, but wsh is shit) and kernel/driver/library/security updates that will continue INDEFINITELY? I want an OS that is designed to minimize disruption to running business systems.
Some things improve with times in ways that make radical change worthwhile. Game systems and home systems can benefit from extra software and flashy, new interfaces. Accounting/sales/purchasing/other cube farm/CAD/CNC/industrial monitoring and control do not benefit.