Re: Really?
Yeah, I've been using Linux for 20 years, so Windows 11 looks pretty much like Windows 10 to me. It seems like Windows users are always complaining about it but still stick with it. Quite the unhappy, abusive marriage!
10 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jan 2010
There are a couple of things this study doesn't make clear. They showed the students a prerecorded lecture and told them it was live. That means the students were led to believe the professor ignored their presence the entire time, and there was no interaction. As a former teacher, I'd say that's a very different problem than the issue of videoconferencing. Students benefit from an interactive learning experience, even if it's just eye contact. That doesn't necessarily translate to workplace meetings.
Secondly, they cite sources of other studies where meeting participants have their cameras on. The fatigue is usually from the cameras, not virtual meetings themselves. I always keep my camera off and feel a lot less fatigue. For this study, they don't even specify whether or not the students believe they're on camera.
And that's why this whole anti-TikTok thing is a sham. User data from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. is for sale, which means China or even much more sinister entities can still gain access to it. If this were really about privacy of US citizens, they'd pass privacy laws for all social media.
Let's also not forget that Genius staff doesn't even write out the lyrics or get them from official sources. People visit the site and contribute to it, which is why I've noticed they sometimes get lyrics wrong (in my totally not expert opinion). If they really cared about fairness and rights, they'd pay their contributors and not claim the community's work as their own.
This sounds like something you just made up. A good chunk of those white collar workers consistently voted in favor of more regulations on capitalist greed. There are just as many people in the "heartlands" who support big corporate cash grabs, even as those corporations abuse and exploit them. Or are you one of those people who somehow misses that unregulated capitalism is responsible for this mess?
The truth is that people keep supporting union busters and voting against their own interests in order to prop up billionaires who do things like release AI knowing it's badly flawed and dangerous. They care about nothing other than lining their pockets, and the people who support them pathetically hope to become like them but never actually will.
Sorry to disappoint you conspiracy theorists, but as a Muslim, I can assure you that if we were to actually get upset over something so silly, it would be for "Muhammad is" or "Allah is" rather than "Islam is". Those two would be much more offensive, and both of them work just fine. You even get warm fuzzy phrases like "Allah is satan" and "Muhammad is a false prophet".
It probably is a bug, just not a very important one.