* Posts by Corey Keasling

4 publicly visible posts • joined 26 May 2007

Boozed Belarusian dodges birthday train squish

Corey Keasling
Gates Halo

The old saying is true...

God looks out for drunks and fools

Femtocells get a bit bigger

Corey Keasling

Don't let femto fall to the marketing scum!

For the record - one femtometer is roughly half the width of a proton. Femto is a prefix meaning 10^-15. Therefore, a femtocell would have to cover one 10^-15th the width of a regular cell. GSM can reach (optimistically) 50 km from the base station, so we have (5m*10^4) * (10^-15) = 5m*10^-11 = The width of the inner electron cloud of a carbon atom. I can't imagine a cell zone of this region being useful, but I certainly give props to the engineers who can design something this small! Please call them, say, millicells or something more accurate - and stop peeving my pet.

Spamford Wallace banished from MySpace

Corey Keasling

Competing with MySpace

The real reason MySpace filed suit is that they don't like competition: if anyone gets to spam MySpace members, it had damn well better be MySpace.

Father of LCD dies at 74

Corey Keasling

Stephen Hawking

There's your scientist more than 5% of the American public can name. But even Hawking shouldn't lay claim to being a modern Newton.