If you want a really unwatchable film with Ben Afflek in it swap out Pearl Harbour for To The Wonder http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1595656/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_9
Posts by Jiminy
20 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jan 2010
Twin Adam Sandlers shake El Reg's movie unwatchablathon team
Apple eyes virtual reality goggle game with patent filing
Sounds more like they are making a head mounted screen for watching tv, maybe this is the iTv device everyone keeps expecting
something like http://store.sony.com/wearable-hdtv-2d-3d-virtual-7.1-surround-sound-zid27-HMZT3W/cat-27-catid-3D-Personal-Viewer
Far too many vague claims in it like:
"[0008] In some embodiments, the outer layer may include one or more surfaces covering the frame. The surfaces may be curved or flat, and may include one or more features for customizing or enhancing the appearance of the outer cover. ... "
The only actual technical detail they seem to have added is that the lenses will be moveable by motors, No idea if that is a new idea or not, but they could have easily made that claim without all the other waffle
Japanese boffins make a splash with bath-based touchscreen
‘That’s not art’ says Apple as it pulls nudes from AppStore
'Natural health' website apparently hacked by sinister forces
Nutter bans Apple purchases over environmental fudging
Apple's new iPad set for July 20 China launch
UN deploys ITU to seek FRAND patent peace treaty
my proposed rules
1) All patents submitted to a standard will be properly investigated, trivial ones should be invalidated
2) Royalties to use the standard will be paid to the standard body and then split between the contributors based on number and importance of patents (decided when forming the standard)
3) Owners of 'Submarine' patents cannot sue companies that have paid to use the standard, they must apply to the standard body for a cut - they have to give very good reasons why they didn't declare earlier.
4) People who implement a standard without paying the royalties should get huge fines / products banned (money to be split between contributors as in rule 2 )
Australia sanguine on Assange-to-Ecuador, would fight US extradition
Re: Rather obvious, all that.
What would this Swedish legal team have been doing since making the request? The appeals have nothing to do with the Swedish system
I somehow doubt they are paying a handful of people to phone up the UK constantly saying "can we have him now?" I'm sure even government departments wouldn't be that wasteful.
Re: Rather obvious, all that.
"The fine the alleged offense carries would not cover _one hour_ fee from a qualified attorney. Compared to the cash Sweden and the UK are currently spending (not to mention the US, most certainly)"
Why would this be costing Sweden any money? They just filed in the form requesting extradition.
It's the UK government and Assange that are the only ones actually spending money on dragging this out.
Apple drops '4G' label from new iPad
I don't get it
How are so many people failing to understand this?
Apple make a product incompatible with most of the "4G" networks around the world but claim it is, they get told off for false advertising.
"4G" might be a confusing term if you look at the world as a whole, but surely Apple can afford to tailor their advertising to each country they are selling it in. I'm pretty sure they give a different plug on the charger to match each countries sockets, how hard could it be to change the wording on the box.
They were deliberately telling lies on their advertising and they got called on it.
No stupid misleading analogies about cars or anything else are required to understand that
Google ads 'misleading and deceptive'
Most EU states sign away internet rights, ratify ACTA treaty
Watched the anonymous video explanation and there description of Counterfeiting is sooo bad
Fair enough, the intrusive monitoring is very bad, but you can't claim that there is nothing wrong with making copies of someone else's work and distributing it without permission
Claiming that it's not stealing because the original is still there is not a good enough justification for pirating music and movies
Apple accused of starving French reseller of hot stock
Apple flat-screen TV rumor rises yet again
Apple versus Samsung: key points in the ruling
CEOP claims success for Facebook 'panic button'
Trident, nuke energy looking poorly under LibCons
trident alternatives
"The only major bill to be paid would be that for a new British warhead to go on them. "
Are we able to develop a new warhead to fit on a tomahawk missile?
Do we have the capability to do that still, and are we allowed to develop new nuclear warheads under non-proliferation treaties?
Royal Navy starts work on new, pointless frigates
been there...
they have tried joint european ventures many times in the past.
The eurofighter was vastly over priced and late as the different countries could never agree on anything.
The T45 destroyers started out as a joint european project but that all fell apart as nothing was ever done, the only part of it left that is still a joined up effort is the missile system which still does not work