Early days
As one of those embittered old lags who ran one of the old sites seeking to simplify everything in one place I say ....congratulations! Gov.uk has continuously improved since the days of the Beta, and I'm sure there's much more to come.
It does rankle that GDS can't acknowledge the people behind the old sites and say thanks for your contribution. Yes the old way was expensive, but don't believe that any of that cash trickled its way down the chain to the grunts who did the editing and coding. Much of it went on military-grade security for servers that only published public domain content, and equal amounts on servicing the bureaucracy that scrutinises the work of an outsourced contract. But we did include our overheads in the published figures. Are GDS?
Both DG and BL had many staff that were above all passionate about doing the best thing for the user. Gov.uk is delivering what many of us saw was needed years ago, and benefits from a culture that allows things to happen quickly. We look on with admiration and a pang of jealousy perhaps.