You hit ...
the nail on the head ... shiny, blingy is the thing closest to Apples own heart with their devices ...
164 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jan 2010
Plus I suspect that for the equipment vendors having the operators pay them license fees for the subscribers on both their old GSM and shiny new 4G network was just the thing needed to boost revenues. I suspect VOLTE is ultimnately being pushed by the operators now that they realise they don't want to have to spend on maintaining 2/3 networks with license fees for subscribers on each when one could do ...!
I immediately pricked up my ears at this comment and went a searching. All I can find are portable 'chargers' / power units ... some of them masquerading as cases etc. Please point me to the solution you are thinking of as I do not believe that plugging in a portable power unit is really what is meant here? I think somebody wants the unit to stay the size of the unit and be able to pop a new battery in without shutting down ... or in the case of the iPhone ... not being able to change the battery at all is a bit of an issue to achieving this ... most of the iPhone solutions double phone size in some or other dimension!
My coat cause I am sure my reply will incur the wrath of some fanbois ...
... being locked to a Network is fair enough given that most of the time the operators have subsidised your handset and now want to get their subsidy back in terms of your usage of THEIR network. Fair enough. I doubt they care about the apps too much unless they may be VOIP ;-)
... beavering away at home writing his scoop for a tabloid about indiscretion and political correctness gone mad ...?
and ... the greater concern for punctuation clearly indicates that Reg readers have not given in to the oversensitivities of minority groups and gone political correctness mad ... after all, if it had been something like 'I'm tired of dirty beaver and off to find some homos' ... NOBODY would even have been questioning it! It's not as though they said somthing like ' Let's go beat up some homos' ... that WOULD have been UNNACCEPTABLE ... but opinion of preference ... get over it!
Let me guess, calling myself a heterosexual will be un-PC just now?
What ... hasn't changed in a decade so it needs to? Apple need to save space in a device 4 times the size of the iPhone so they need a smaller SIM? Really ... grasping at straws!. I'd go with lock-in and 'becasue they can' ... and also once the operators have splashed out on something that is probably more expensive per unit, they become tied to Apple's fate i.e. forces them to invest to sell the device.
... is that not what Apple said in the early days about the iPhone too ...? And then had to admit it couldn't when it came to producing IM clients, turn-by-turn navigation etc.? Maybe I am wrong, but I am pretty sure Apple admitted this when they released their update which included cut-n-paste etc.?
... by this desciption? What was all the hype about? Nothing here strikes me as revolutionary ... sounds more like an oversize iPod Touch than an oversize iPhone given the mention of 3G (for data) and no voice call capabilities (except I assume for voip) ... maybe why google voice has not received Apples blessing? I'll reserve judgment for now and read a few more articles ...
... or flat earth news? The man in rubble story stinks of PR. Initial reports were of how his phone went off every 20 mins until the comments against the stories were full of 'an iPhone battery would never last that long' ... and now I see the CNN version includes something along the lines of 'and when the power got to 20% he turned the phone off as this had already trained his body not to sleep' ... sounds like a lot of Cupertino PR and spin behind this evolving the story in the face of criticism ... also noteworthy is the fact that I have yet to see any story mention the make of SLR that allowed him to see in the dark to treat his wounds and find a safe place to wait. Very fishy all round! Either TOTAL spin or twisted spin.
"today's mobile-phone buyer cares more about simplicity than freedom"
Not sure I buy this. I think the biggest lie Apple and their cohorts of Fanbois sold the world is that suddenly everybody who had a phone for years couldn't use physical buttons and simple select/back menus and had lost their ability to vaguely remember which menu held what items ... so we just remove all the functionality and tell people that sexy simlicity is what you *actually* want and not functionality ... even multi-tasking is so last year!